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Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

Hat upside down



Hat upside down,
Hat right way up
(Crescent Moon)



   A. Do "Fishes".

  B. 1 enters from each side of
       the central triangle,
       away from you, and
       picks up the double
       strings, that forming
       the triangle´s sides.

  C. Release 2 and 5.

  D. 2345 picks up 1f².
       The loops slip on the

       You have two loops on
        the wrist.
        There are two f transverses
        and one n transverse.
        The second string n run
        from LH to the center of
        the figure, and come to RH.

        The transverse string n
        and the oblique string n
        form a triangle.

  D.  2 and 3 trap between
        them the transverse
        string n and the oblique
        transverse string, and
        enter, from below into
        the triangle.

         2 has taked the transverse
        string n, and 3 has taked
        the oblique string n.

   E. Lift the wrists´s loops over
        the hands and extend.

   F. 1, below 2, enters from
        below into 3 and
        hooks down 3f close to 3.

        3, over 3n et 2f, picks up,
        close to 2, 2n.

   G. Extend with the fingers
        pointing up, the palms
        turned away from you.


   H. If you want to invert
        the hat, release 1 and 3
        withdraw from 2n.

    I. R1 and R2 grasp L2 and
       L3, and lift them over
       L2 and L3.
       Rotate the R hand an
       half turn, away from you.
       This invert the loops.

       Introduce L2 into the
       L3 former loop and L3
       into the L2 former loop.

       Repeat on the other hand.

   J. 1, below 2, enters from
       below into 3 and,
       hooks down 3f, close to 3.

        3, over 3n and 2f, picks up,
        close to 2, 2n.

   K. Extend with the fingers
        pointing up, the palms
        tourned away from you.


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