Associate editors
Joseph D´Antoni and Felix Paturi
Editorial advisory board
Hiroshi Noguchi, Philip Noble, Honor Maude
update/Mis à jour 2/01/2006
Apache door (6 variations) 22
Brassiere 6
Division of the clans
(Nga motu a ka vaka) 90 ~XVI? Handy
Eagle diving on its prey 8
(362) 58GII 40H
41BISFA3 57TII 60Q 155BISFA7
Entwined string figure,
or figure having squares
(Rapa e) 103
Untying the string figure
(Hei ingamatu tirui (?);
Tehei a matora) 103
House of the lizard
(Te´are o te moko) 103
Flesh of a fruit (Ga kiko) 85 ~Warbler (Kokikokiko I) 23XIII
Four-person rope star 10 (307)
Four-stage series 113 HANDY 110XIII?
Sling string very
bad indeed
(Maa´ei kinokino) 113
Sling string very
good indeed
(Maa´ei maitaki ra) 113
Sling string
starting to open
(Maa´ei para ua ra) 113
Oh, spread open!
(O tuera ia) 113
Fowl´s anus (Kami moa) 80
Grampa´s pants 8 (deux personnes/two players)
Hole for storing
breadfruit paste
(Apoo tioo) 130 76 HANDY or 90 ??
Irrigated taro patch
(Viiarepo) 119 (deux personnes/two players)
Itauri 129
Matu fish;
string figure that cuts
(I ga matu) Method I 87 ~Squid Hole (Keri Kanoe)49XIII
(deux personnes/tow players)
Method 2 89 (deux personnes/two players)
Matui house or bird house
(Te are matui (manu)) 126
Moon setting over the sea,
Utami variant
(Utami; tai a utu marama) 117
Nauru Island figures,
Variation on
(135 examples) 27 (here an example
(Amwangiyo, Small 4M04)
Overturned canoe
(Haveke Tipapa) 84 29XIII
Penis (Ga ure) 94 XIII? HANDY
Plaited ape leaves (Iirauape) 121 98
Pleiades (Matariki) 111 45XIII ? 29X
Remote land (Nuuhiva) 96 ~Unnamed figure 77W
Rimatara n°7 133
Rimatara n°8 134
Somersault 9 (82) (Eric) 153BISFA7
Squid or cuttlefish
(Pu fe´e; pu´eke) 98 ~Squid Hole (Keri Kanoe) 49XIII
String figure of united sons
(Te hei apiki tamaroa) 90
String figure which
springs open (Tuera)
From below (Iraro) 105 Handy
~Sun (continuation of
Wicker food-plater
(Second version)
(Mata-ni-singa) 48W 21XI 41GIII
Taro-leaf mat (Raupaka tatai) 98 121BISFA1 42S Richard
11XI 14X 7XIII
34XII 45W
/Ten men 200E
Upright canoe (Haveke tiraga) 82 28XIII
Utami figures 106
Milk the breast;
sexual intercourse
(Utami) 110 106-116-124 11M00
~Te Ponaunau 20X
Able to break free
(Utami matara)
or Disentangled utami
(Utami maia) 106
Entangled utami
(Utami fifi) 106
Witch hat 8
Wringing version of Utami
(Utami taviri or haviri) 124
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