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Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés





Associate editors
Joseph D´Antoni, Tetsuo Sato and Felix Paturi

Editorial advisory board
Hiroshi Noguchi, Philip Noble, Honor Maude



update/Mis à jour 19/05/2011

Alligator mouth                 71
Antelope                             59
Arm capture and release  78   119    153BISFA5110
                   18GI    (Hilard)
                                                       140FO  (Eric)

ARMS  (Moguk)                   33    (360 drawing/dessin) 58TII
LEGS (Eruk)                        33    (360 drawing/dessin) 59TII

Bambi (a fawn)                  58

Birds, Two  (Li Menò)         85           18XI
   Birds´eggs                      86          19XI
    Flock of birds              86           20XI

Blow pipe                           75
Book´em, dano                  185
BUTTERFLY (Ijewaioi)  122          164XVI*
      (368 drawing/dessin)
 ~Bull Jap.  1981:15-16
Butterfly                            71

Canapé                               52
   Anvil                                52
   Sailboat                           52
   Eiffel Tower                    52
   Saw                                  52  (deux personnes)

CARIBOO (Tuktuqdjung)      38, 57  (124)  142L  28GIII (Eric)   15T
                                    102BISFA6-(365 drawing/dessin)
~Running caribou 21S02
   /Caribou (Rapid-making method)
 /Caribou in the willows 85BISFA6

   Giraffe                             58

Cariboo with fancy
                      antlers          60
Cassava drink                    76
Cat                                      59
Caterpillar (Anufe)            148          105XIV
Cat´s basket                       53
    Confederate flag            53
    Aeroplanne  or
           Butterfly                  53

Chair of the hight chief
     (Nofoanga tubu)               137     16M99    43X (Darsie not working) 183E
    129XIV  (Eric) Richard
      Shotting star
                         (Fetu fai fero)    137

Chicken bottom                 77     17ST    34E      16GI*     (Hilard) (Eric)
Churche steeple,
   in Samoan (Fapaolonga) 151
Churning butter               91    (deux personnes)
CLOTHES LINE (Iniarat) 35     (363 drawing/dessin)  (voir aussi
                                                     explications supplémentaires/
                 see more explainations
Coconuts side-by-side,
      three (Meae tolu)           145
Cousins (Tautuagane)           146
Diamonds, one                   67
Diamonds, two
     (Method one)                    65      ~OSAGE TWO DIAMONDS (28) 49E
Diamonds, two
     (Method two)                    65
Diamonds, three                66
Diamonds, four                  66    ~OSAGE DIAMONDS (24)  153L  25JI
                                                      94Z 36B  32GI
                                                      74Q  40X
                                                      (Steve) (Darsie) (Hilard)
Diamonds, six                     67
Diamond with legs             70
Dog (kaymuchta)                    30    (364 drawing/dessin) 55TII
Dogface                             183
Drinking nut  (Te pi)          138
Egg´phthathl                    186

Elephant, baby                   61
     Adult elephant               61

Fence gate                          54
Fish on wood                      74    9/10
Fish tails                             70
Flying fish? (Save potu)       139
Fox                                      60

Hot-air ballon                    53
   Scissors or clothes pin
                        or overalls   53
   Mother´s apron               53
   Gramma´s sock               53

Head release                      78
House of Tinilau
                    (Fale o tinilau)       155  (Deux personnes/two players)  142XIV
Howler monkey´s jaw       74    23T    8N  12S99    81E  88U
Husband and wife
                           (Tau avaga)    145
Kayak                                 36    (361 drawing/dessin)  54GIII  60TII
Knot of the goddess
      Kulu  (Te noti o kulu)     151      ~Star (Kalokalo)   17W
                                                      ~Knot slip trick     153R
    (Nanvumchiseah)                  28     (362 drawing/dessin)
Landscape                       182        (continuation of maui´s lasso 40-43GIII)
Leaves for thatching
                        (Taali polau)      142
Lizard kissing                  181
Mataki beti                      137
Milky way                          84    Bull.Jap.  1987:54
Mountains (Tituchtak)          38   (360 drawing/dessin) (Darsie not working)
                                                             /Salmon river  58GIII
Mouth, or bill of the
     Itoi bird (Gutu)   141
Moon                                  71
Moon (Masina)                   152       63XVI   20M   2XIII  4/10
Nest of the heron
     (Ofaga o te matuku)         154        134-135XIV
New fiber (Matai tauanga)   157        K?
No name                             31    (364 drawing/dessin)
No name                           158     K?
Noosing a kingfish
                           (Sele paala)     152  7S02 (deux personnes, pas pour la figure
  two players, not for the figure)
Peacock´s feet (Morna pag)
                          Method 1  90    voir HORNELL 1927 1932
                        Method 2   90   (deux personnes/two players)
Pentagons, four                183    (continuation of man and bed (192-193)
Powis chest                        75
PTARMIGANS, TWO     47    (365 drawing/dessin)  16J96  76Y
              62TII  49Q  90BISFA6
RABBIT (Makadok)             28    (363 drawing/dessin)  /RABBIT (79)  54GII
                                              34H 132E
Rat                                      59
Red pandanus
                 (Te fala kula)          141
Relations (Te taga)             143
SEA-GULL(T´keyack)         41   (362 drawing/dessin)  58GII  40H
            60Q 57TII 155BISFA7
                 (Iiyanibongo)          127      170XVI*     (371 drawing/dessin)
Shark´s teeth
               (Nifo te mago)           157   115XIV

SHIP                                  40    (359 drawing/dessin)
   MEN, TWO                    41   (359 drawing/dessin)

SIBERIAN HOUSE         50    (361 drawing/dessin)  143L  60JII
        46B 53TII 29
 126E (Eric)
                                                      28GI   52Q  17T  84BISFA6
    ~Tug-of war with a stick    551Z
      (two players, not for the figure;
      with a stick)
                                                      /Tangarot   159E   53Q (Eric)
       RUNNING AWAY     50   (361 drawing/dessin)  143L  60JII
       46B  29  126E
                                                       28GI   52Q  17T
                          ~Two boys        552Z  93K
                                                      /Tangarot   159E   53Q

Snake, large (Te magoloa)    155       98XIV
Snare (Matasele)                   153     27XIV
Spider (Araignée)                    55
Spider web                          77    (deux personnes et deux ficelles
/two players and two strings)
Star of David                      54
STAIRS                              48  (362 drawing/dessin)  Bull.  Jap. 11p7, 8 et 9
Stones, three large
     (Te papa )        144
Stumps, three? (Tagutu) 147

Tide cycle                         149     58B                    47X   160E
                                                                    ~Sardines 36GIII   26XI
     à verifier                                      ~Coral reef  76Q
                                                                       ~ Sardines I 25XI
     Hight tide (Kalupe)        149
     Ebbing tide (Fai fanaifo) 149
     Rising tide (Tai fanake)   150

TRAP  (Keezook) 39   (365 drawing/dessin)  /MOUTH (282)
                                                    /Fire drill 7K/8K/87K/124K
                                                    /Talking mouth 21BISFA2
Turn over or other side
                                   (Taifa)  147
Turtle, two (Te ava fonu)     156     53XVI
Unnamed figure               152      77W
Vampire bat                     181
Villages, two  (Fakakai)      143  VOIR/see JAYNE NO NAME
     (Achvuk, tezeuk)                43  (363 drawing/dessin)  66I-21S96
(Darsie not working)   64TII
Wine glass                       184
Wolverine (Koftsik)     34      44GIII  559Z   (137, 361 drawing/dessin) 74K
 260BISFA8    54TII
                                            ~ Porcupine -rapid
            method  261BISFA8
                                                    /Porcupine  11K
Worm                                 79   (340)  17P  28JII  144H   95(Gendar)
                                                     147(Noble)   9PA  61XI
 23Q (with stories/avec histoires)
                                                    49B-(Hilard)     44E   26GI   30GI*
        138BISFA6  (story)  (Eric)




Tours de ficelle/TRICKS

Arm capture and release     78   119BISFA6    153BISFA5110
                   18GI    (Hilard)
                                                          140FO (Eric) (two players/deux joueurs)
Head release                         78   LIVRES?
New fiber (Matai tauanga)      157        K?
No name                             158     K?
Noosing a kingfish
                           (Sele paala)     152  7S02 (deux personnes, pas pour la figure
                                                                             two players, not for the figure)
Worm                                   79   (340)  17P  28JII  144H   95(Gendar)
                                                     147(Noble)  9PA  61XI  23Q (with stories)
                                                    49B-(Hilard)     44E   26GI   30GI*
        138BISFA6  (story)  (Eric)

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