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Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés






Associate editors
Joseph D´Antoni, Tetsuo Sato and Will Wirt

Editorial advisory board
Hiroshi Noguchi, Philip Noble

update/Mis à jour 19/05/2011

         A          237






        Animal net                                        191   (24) 153L  25JI 94Z 36B
        32GI 122FO
                                                                          74Q  40X 115-156BISFA6
                                                                          (Steve) (Darsie not working)  Richard
          (Hilard)   (Eric) 157BISFA7
                                                                          148E/Diadem 161E
                                                                         /Tower Eiffel  80H

     B      37






        Basket, Hen                                      135   (= L´échelle de Jacobs
                      avec la boucle index triplée
         =Jacob´s ladder with
              a doubled index loop)
          avec une histoire amusante
                   /with an amusing story
        Basket xylophone                             137  (= L´échelle de Jacobs avec
la boucle index doublée
       Jacob´s ladder with a tripled index loop)
        Bat  (Bukowana´djis)                                 60 (avec histoire/with story)
     Beaver (Ami´k)                                           80  VOIR CAT´S CRADLE
     Bear (Makwa)                                          63
     Bowstring (A´tcabp)                                68   (350) 252V  123VI
                                                          (Hilard)  38E  (Eric)
     Box for storing meat                         132  (dialogue, two persons not for the figure)
                                                                          155BISFA4   (30)
                   92BISFA7 45TII  (Eric)
     Boy (Guzes)                                          74  11S96
     Butterfly (Meme´gos)                                61

     Breathing                                             172   13M02  163BISFA4
     Spear                                                    173   16M02   164BISFA4

       C                                                               238       (21)  151L  30GIII
                                   151E  (Eric)
      Canoe                                                    192
    Caribou with a fancy tail 1,
                                         Pretty               266
    Caribou with a fancy tail 1,
                                         Pretty               267
    Caribou with a fancy tail 1,
                                         Pretty               268
    Caribou with a fancy tail 1,
                                 Two pretty               269
    Caribou with a long tail  1                  270
    Caribou with a long tail  2                  271
    Caribou with a long tail  1, Two         271
    Cat                                                         266
    Cat´s cradle series                               334 (pas d´explications
                            /No explanations

    Chiefs, Two -Simplified version of      204  ~CHIEF, TWO (188) Richard
           Six chiefs                                        205

            Two 3D Chiefs                              206
              Four 3D Chiefs                           208

     Chopstick heart                                   219   and 234
     Coitus between sister and brother
      version A
     (i.e., between a man and a woman if the same clan)     165 141BISFA4
                  ~Coitus between
                      sister and brother
                          version B  166BISFA8
     Claws (toes) of the grey parrot          145 156BISFA4     104BISFA7
     Crab                                                      149
     Crane flapping its wings                      279   10/10
     Cutting the neck                                   184    (339) 157L  62XI  33ST
                      139BISFA6   30Q   33E
                                                                         10M01  (Eric)   105CI

     D                                                           238  ~ SUNSET (21)  151L  30GIII
                        151E  (Eric) 238BISFA8

     Diamonds -1, Double five                     306
     Diamonds with double frame ,
                                       Double five          307
     Diamonds -  1, Five                               305
     Diamonds with double frame -1,
                                                      Five       306
     Diamonds -2, Double five                     308
     Diamonds -  2, Five                               308
     Diamonds with double frame ,
                                                   Five          308
     Diamonds -  3, Five                               309
     Diamonds with double frame -3,
                                                   Five          310
     Diamonds -  4, Five                               309
     Diamonds with double frame -4,
                                                   Five          311
     Diamonds -  5, Five                               309
     Diamonds -1, Fourteen                        298
     Diamonds  with double frame -1,
                                              Fourteen      299
     Diamonds -2, Fourteen                        300
     Diamonds  with double frame -2,
                                              Fourteen      300
     Diamonds -3, Fourteen                        301
     Diamonds  with double frame -3,
                                              Fourteen      301
     Diamonds -4, Fourteen                        301
     Diamonds  with double frame -4,
                                              Fourteen      302
     Diamonds -5, Fourteen                        302
     Diamonds  with double frame -5,
                                              Fourteen     302
     Diamonds -6, Fourteen                       302
     Diamonds  with double frame -6,
                                              Fourteen     302
     Diamonds -7, Fourteen                       305
     Diamonds, From four steps ladder
                                           to fourteen     304
     Diamonds, From two steps ladder
                                           to fourteen     304
     Diamonds, Hawaiian seven                288
     Diamonds, Nineteen                            287
     Diamonds, Nineteen -1                        290
     Diamonds  with double frame -1,
                                              Nineteen      291
     Diamonds -1, Seven                             288
     Diamonds -2, Seven                             293
     Diamonds -2, Modified Seven            297
     Diamonds -3, Seven                             293
     Diamonds -3, Modified Seven            298
     Diamonds -4, Seven                             294
     Diamonds -5, Seven                             294
     Diamonds -6, Seven                             294
     Diamonds , Modified Seven                296
     Diamonds with double frame -1
                                                  seven        289
     Diamonds, Thirteen                            287
     Diamonds -1, Thirteen                        289
     Diamonds -2, Thirteen                        295
     Diamonds , Modified Thirteen           297
     Diamonds with double frame -1,
                                             Thirteen       290
     Diamonds , Traditional seven            286   ~Face mask  6D00
                           ~Fire  23S00
     Diamonds - 1, Twenty-five                 292
     Diamonds with double frame- 1,
                                           Twenty-five   292
     Diamonds -1, Twenty-one                  311
     Diamonds with double frame -1,
                                          Twenty-one    313
     Diamonds -2, Twenty-one                  312
     Diamonds with double frame -2,
                                          Twenty-one    314

     Dissolving figure                                  91
     Dog, A pet                                          277
     Dog´s Anus (A´nimudji´t)                         81   (avec histoire/with story)
                      VOIR CAT´S CRADLE
                        /Dog´s Anus (open and close)

     Dog´s Anus (open and close)                 179
          Salt funnel                                    180    broom japanese

     Double guts                                         86   see crow feet jayne358
     Dove, A whistling                             279

     E                                                      239  ~ F 234BISFA4
     Eagle (Migi´zi)                                       64
     Eagle splat                                            9
     Eggs, Picking grasshopper´s             10

     F                                                       240 ~ F 234BISFA4

     Fang trap                                          155     (233)  67GIII  34B
                       (Darsie Not working) Richard
        188E 80Q 27XI  45
              25W  39T  (Eric)
                    ~M/N/W/Z 244BISFA8
      Crescent Moon                            156   ~Crescent Moon 158BISFA8
          Crescent Moon, tips down          157

     Feet of the duck                                 147     96BISFA7  autres livres
     Finger tangle                                     187  (340)  17P  9PA  28JII
                                     144H  256U 95Z  147C  61XI
                             49B-(Hilard)    44E   26GI
                                  30GI* 23Q (with stories)
                 79BISFA3  177BISFA7
                                                                    138BISFA6  (story)  (Eric)
     Flag possible, Impossible                 327
     Fool´s knot-1                                       91     (346)   27Q  87TII 19D05
     Fool´s knot-2                                       93     157R
     Fool´s knot-3                                       94
     Fool´s knot-4                                       95    130K  46K  (Hilard)
                                                 11L 142FO
     Fool´s knot-5                                       96    131K   36P  28PA  43E
                                                        32Q  12L   (Hilard)
     Fool´s knot-6                                        96
     Fool´s knot-7                                        97
     Fool´s knot-8                                        98
     Fool´s knot-9                                     100


G                                                        240 ~ SUNSET (21)  151L  30GIII
                                                                          151E  (Eric) 238BISFA8
     Girl (Kweses)                                          72  11S96
     Goose Gizzard                                     58 ~ Big Star II  147BISFA7
     Great Blue Turaco
                    (Corythaeola cristata)                     141

     Greenbul, Little
     (Andropadus virens Cass.)                          176
         Greenbul, Two little                     178
           Greenbul, Three little                 178

        Guenon, Red-Tail
           (Cercopithecus buccalis Leconte)            138

     H    241  ~Haitch for "Appiness"

                                                     ~H     336BISFA7






     Hen´s anus                                         188  ~Drum, Small(Bubu)166BISFA4

     I  (détail)   242
     I caught you (Wap!)                             152     (385 pas d´explication/no explanations)

     J                                                        242  (299)  (Eric) 171BISFA7

     K        243

     L  243






       Leg tangle                                          188

     M                                                       244   ~131/138BISFA2
                                ~Fire and smoke 6M99 28XI
                              ~ FISHES, LITTLES
         (233)  67GIII  34B
                       (Darsie Not working) Richard
                188E 80Q 27XI  45
       159BISFA4   155BISFA8
     25W  39T  (Eric)
       Meeting house of the turtle
                             and the leopard         150  (deux histoires, two stories)

     Moose Head Series
         Moose Head (Mus degwan)                 88
         Pickerel Guts (Oga´sinagic)               89
         Conjuror´s tent (Djis´gan)                 90
         Woman´s snowshoe tie (Adiman´)  90

       Mouse´s face                                     220

       N                                                       244     ~ FISHES, LITTLES
            (233)  67GIII  34B
                        (Darsie Not working) Richard
  188E 80Q 27XI  45
                    159BISFA4   155BISFA8
              25W  39T  (Eric)
       Neck tangle                                       186
     Net with two loops, Tennis              317  voir aussi ici/see also here
     Number 1                                          281

     Numbers on parade                          283
           Number 1                                     283
           Number 6                                     284
         Number 9                                       284
           Number 4                                     284

       O                                                        244  ~Mangrove crab 103BISFA2
                                                     ~ O    336BISFA7
                                                            ~ Q  246BISFA8
       Ornament, Neck   (pendant)                140     171BISFA4
     Otter (Ni´kik)                                      56   voir elastique japonais

     P                                                         245
          R                                                     246
     Partridge in a snare (Piné nagwa ´gun)     66
     People dancing, Beautiful                 134  10M98    213BISFA14    167BISFA4

     Phallus scaffold, used in the
                                      Moon cult          167 161BISFA4

             Branches of the Nka tree          174     ~House   16M96
             Meeting house                            175    162BISFA4
                                                   ~House   16M96








     Pit Pit                                                    10    (deux joueurs/two players)
     Pony, A carousel                                278    22D02
     PORCUPINE                                     260    74K  559Z  54TII
                     (137, 361 drawing/dessin)
                                   44GIII  34BISFA3
       Pretty caribou with a fancy tail 1  265

~ Porcupine-rapid method  261BISFA8
Pretty dog  261BISFA8

    Porcupines and two
                  pretty dogs 1, Two                262
    Porcupines and two
                  pretty dogs 2, Two                263

     Purple-Throated Cuckoo-Shrike
     (Campephaga quiscalina Finsch)                   143

     Q                                                         246

     R                                                         246
     Raven rapid method  1                       275
     Raven rapid method  2                       276
     Raven traditional method                  276
     River (Si´bi)                                              69
     River (Si´bi) double form                            70  ~LIGHTNING, version A
                        (216) Richard
                           (Darsie not working)
                                          128BISFA7 (Eric)
     River (Si´bi) single form                              71
     Rotated figure                                     153   (320)       177BISFA14 

     S 247BISFA8
     Scissors (Mujw´gan)                             75
     Something going across
                             (Pimitabi´gonagan´)                   77

     Squirrel, Young four-striped tree
     (Funisciurus k-lemniscatus Leconte)
                                   Synonym: Stars     158   10D02
           Eye of the Bay Duiker
     (Cephalophus dorsalis Gray)                         160     2/10  160BISFA8   141BISFA4
           Eye of Peters´Duiker

     (Cephalophus callipygus Peters)                  161
                                              ~Harvest moon   142BISFA4
           Eye of the White-Bellied Duiker
     (Cephalophus leucogaster Gray)                     162
           Turtle lying on its back                163
           Hip bone of Mother-in-Law         163
           Redwood-colored spots on
              the body
     (in the form of a lozenge or rhombus)                     164
   Star, Half-second                                  331   45ST

    Star, Love                                             281
         Umbrella shared by lovers            281

    Swan                                                     282
       Number 2                                          283

     T                                                          247

     Toilet                                                   148    5D97 (377 dessin/drawing)
      Trick, Norvegian  string                   329   voir/see Elffers
     Turtle                                                   11
     Turtle, Mud                                         83     (avec histoire/with story)
                             AND RIBS (308)
                             72E  (Hilard)  (Eric)
                         ~Breastbone and Ribs
           137BISFA7    35T
                               /Cage thoracique/Rib cage
                  241V  117VI
    U                                                       247

    V                                                        248  ~ BOW (212)

     W                                                    248   ~W (204)
                          ~ FISHES, LITTLES
           (233)  67GIII  34B
         (Darsie Not working) Richard
                   188E 80Q 27XI  45
                      159BISFA4   155BISFA8
                                                                           25W  39T  (Eric)
       Wesa and Wo                                   191
     Woman (Girl), Little                       182
             Man (Boy), Little                     182   (deux joueurs/two players)
                             VOIR HANDY
     Wrist tangle                                      186

     X                                                        249  ~Ballot paper with X 188BISFA4
                                      ~X    19M96-Bull.Jap.1982:4-18
                    ~X figure       119BISFA6

     Y                                                      249  ~Y   336BISFA7

       Z                                                       250     ~ FISHES, LITTLES
                   (233)  67GIII  34B
                                                (Darsie Not working) Richard
                            188E 80Q 27XI  45
                     159BISFA4   155BISFA8
                                                                            25W  39T  (Eric)

     Tours de ficelle/Tricks

      Bowstring (A´tcabp)                              68   (350)  252V  123VI
                                                                           (Hilard)  38E  (Eric)
      Cutting the neck                              184   (339) 157L  62XI  33ST
        139BISFA6   30Q   33E
            10M01  (Eric)   105CI
      Dissolving figure                                91
      Finger tangle                                   187  (340)  17P  9PA  28JII
            144H  256U 95Z  147C  61XI
                49B-(Hilard)    44E   26GI
                30GI* 23Q (with stories)
           79BISFA3  177BISFA7
                               138BISFA6  (story)  (Eric)
      Fool´s knot-1                                       91     (346)   27Q  87TII 19D05
      Fool´s knot-2                                       93     157R
      Fool´s knot-3                                       94
      Fool´s knot-4                                       95    130K  46K  (Hilard)
                                                 11L 142FO
      Fool´s knot-5                                       96    131K   36P  28PA  43E
                                                                             32Q  12L   (Hilard)
      Fool´s knot-6                                       96
      Fool´s knot-7                                       97
      Fool´s knot-8                                       98
      Fool´s knot-9                                     100
      Leg tangle                                          188
      Neck tangle                                        186
      Trick, Norvegian  string                   329   voir/see Elffers
      Wrist tangle                                       186

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