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Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés




Associate editors
Joseph D´Antoni and Felix Paturi

Editorial advisory board
Hiroshi Noguchi, Philip Noble, Honor Maude





update/Mis à jour 16/092009

- à verifier
  Albatross    197

Aboriginal, one
          (also dead man)          143
Ant                                          166
Ant´s legs                                169-Yam 177 (boucle double/doubled loop)
Anus                                        163
Arm-bands, two                     134
Bamboos, two                         152
Bananas, two                          164
Bandicoot                               138   ~M 244BISFA8  ~131BISFA2

                                        ~Fire and smoke  6M99   28XI
Bark container                  158
Bat                                          148
Bee                                          161
Big blue bird                          109-Emus, two 109
Birth of a baby                       119
      Baby born                         119

Boobook owl                           116

Boomerangs, two   110   3J99   363BISFA7

Boy standing on one leg,
                                 little          99
Brass cannon                           163
Butterfly                                  140
Butterfly                                  148
Camp                                       162
Cargo of Prau                         121
Cassava                                    163
Cassava bush                          153
Caterpillar crawling
                   along a twig          166
Cat-fish                                      99
Cat-fish, two                            126
Cave in ewa (Enaginuere)             71       179XVI*   ~150 XVI
Centipede                                100  8/09
Cicatrices                                153
Circumcision                           103
Clam shell                                176
Clouds                                      124
Coconut                                    164
Coconut palm                          160
Coffin on a platform                169   (deux personnes/two players)
Conch shells, two                      94-106
Cooking cycad nuts or
     Sea eagle                             151
Crab-hole in sand or rock      106
Cross-shoulder strap              144
Crow flying                             165
Crow walking                        159
Cycad nut shelled                   164
Cycad tree rangga                  163
Daragine (Nauruan fairy story)       74            181XVI*     ~ 150XVI
Dingos, two                              149
Dingos pups, four                    149
Diving ducks                            140
Diving ducks                         165 Divingducks
Dogs copulating                        165
Dolphin                                     107
Drone-tube                               159
Dudong                                     108

ECHEOG AND EDAWAROI   59            (369 drawing/dessin) 168XVI*
                                                                   ~Eidiow Dogobea Eideuoaro
                                                (Name of a man and
                                                                                     his two wives)      124XVI   138XVI*
Echidna killed by a stilt          177
           a lady of quality             63       (370 drawing/dessin) 174XVI* (remarque)

                                                                                        (Name of a woman) 128XVI
Egg                                            162
                  ON A STONE          55       135XVI*  (163XVI* remarque)
                                        (368 drawing/dessin)  119XVI
Eidagage (Woman relation
             of the chief eoaio)         80         186XVI*     151XVI (photo)
Eidereauwa (Gilbertese woman
      of Nonouti Island, who was
          known but never came to
                                     the island)       84      193XVI*  152XVI (photo)
Einogog (Chief Gaunubwe´s
                               grandchild)            82       189XVI*  152XVI  (photo)
Emu´s eggs                                110-Jabiru 110
Emus, two                                 109-Big blue bird  109
Emu´s tracks or
   Stingray-spine spear             129
Female opossom                        171      (deux personnes/two players)
Female wallaby                         162
Fire-sticks                                 129
Fish                                            149

Fishing-line and hook           153 Fishingline
Fish-net                                     126
Fish-traps                                  142
Flag                                           164
Forehead band                         134
Fork-tailed (Bromiley) kite;
   Bird with blue short legs      120
Freshwater snakes, three        125
Frill-necked lizard                   115
Gecko                                        137-136
Geese                                         162
Girl in the moon (Eigugu)             83       191XVI*    152XVI (photo)
Girl pounding rakia bulbs       164
Goanna                                      139-131    ~M 244BISFA8  ~138BISFA2
                                                        ~Fire and smoke  6M99   28XI
Granite boulders                      150
Hook for catching
     flying fish in the daytime
                                  (Eoen kadama)     68           178XVI*     149XVI (photo)
                           (Deimano)                51         (367 drawing/dessin)  161XVI*  19S99
                                                               BUL JAP 1980:5-7
Human feces                             127
Hungry woman                        117
Hut                                            177
Huts, three                               112- 135

Ibis                                            122
      Ibis flying into tree            122

IBUNEMUM; A MAN            63      174XVI*   (370 drawing/dessin)

                              BULL.JAP. 1979:9-10
                                                                                        (Name of a man)  131XVI  144XVI*
Intertwined snakes                132-94-106  à verifier
Ironwood gum cement            96
Jabiru                                     108-Emu´s eggs 110
Kangaroo´s intestines            164
Kangaroo´s tracks                 168
King (Uea)                                  72          180XVI*    ~150XVI
Kingfisher                               143
Knife                                        157
Large calico
    loin-cloth on man               157


Laughing jackass      133     6M00


Leech in rakia swamp
                             or rain       106
Lobster                                   116
Locust in a tree, three           135-112
Macassan man                         98
Macassan prau, mast
                     and ropes          168
Male opossom                        170     (deux personnes/two players)
Mangrove bird; native cat     96
Mangrove crab                      103  ~letter O 244BISFA8
Mangrove-grub                      153
Man and woman copulating
  or woman menstruating      167
Man lying down                      95
Man sitting down                  101
Man throwing spear              152
Man´s track                            165
Mat (Itubwer)                              77       183XVI*    150XVI (photo)
Mc Carthy method 46           186
Mc Carthy method 95            187

Meeting house (Domaneab)   78      184XVI*      151XVI (photo)   251BISFA9
                 Cantilever jetty      80      185XVI*      151XVI (photo)  251BISFA9

Men spearing stingrays,
                                     two     176
Menstrual blood of three
                                 women   125
Mythical snake                      131-139
Native companion                  138
            (Tinamitto)                   63 (remarque) 173XVI*  (370 drawing/dessin)

Bull. Jap. 1979:8-9
                                                                             ~Tinamitto (Name of a girl)
                                                                                     126XVI  140XVI*
Octopus                                  153
Octopus-hole                          162
Opossom in a hole in a tree   175     (deux personnes/two players)
Painted bark coffin                163
Papaw tree with fruit          161
Paperbark head-cover        153
Parrot                                     123
Parrot-fish sequence             146
    Dug-out canoe                   146
    Rock-crab bait                 146
    Catching parrot-fish         147
    Cooking parrot-fish          147
    Crocodile                           147
Pig                                          103
Pregnant woman                   136-137
                 (Etaroking)             61         (370 drawing/dessin)  172XVI*

                                                                                            (Priestess of Nauru
                                                                                           in olden times)     125XVI
                                                                            BULL.Jap. 1981:16-17
Pygmy goose                         152
Rakia bulb                            114       (167)
Red kangaroo                       102

                  OF A MAT      54         (367 drawing/dessin) 162XVI*
                                                  ~132XVI*      116XVI
                  OF A MAT             56         130XVI* (163XVI* remarque)
                                                       (368 drawing/dessin)   115XVI   110Y
                    OF A MAT           57        166XVI*   (369 n°833 drawing/dessin)

                                  ~Bull. JAP1981:17-19
                                                                    ~White man´s mat
                                                                                     (Dogienmadang)   73XVI
                     OF A MAT
                     (Itubwer II)         61 (remarque)    (369 n°836 drawing/dessin)
                                                  116XVI    131XVI*  169XVI* (remarque)
Running dog                           163
Sawing wood                           176       (deux personnes/two players)
Scissors                                   155
Scorpion                                   98
Sea-eagle                                 128
Sea-eagle catching mullet      128
Sea-gull                                   162
Sea-hawks´nest with young  119
Shovel (iron-bladed) spears,
                                       two    145
Simple boat                              20          90Handy
                                                           ~Hole for storing
                                                           breadfruit paste
                                                                 (Apoo tioo)       130BISFA1
Snail                                       162
Spear-thrower                       141
Spindle                                   156  17D06
Steel tomahawk                     177

Stilt                                      142 Stilt
Stingrays, two or
            kookaburra                111
Stingrays, two and
           two young ones           111
Stone axe                                154
String bag                               101
Sun                                          105       VOIR AUTRE LIVRE PATURI?
Talking mouth (Utami)             21
Three stars (Aiju edetan )            76          182XVI*   ~150XVI
                                                  ~No name    114XVI*    97XVI
Tortoise                                   173     (deux personnes/two players)
                                   ~ Turtle, Mud     83BISFA8
                                           ~BREASTBONE AND RIBS (308)
                             72E  (Hilard)  (Eric)
                                                ~Breastbone and Ribs    137BISFA7    35T
                           ~Tortoise    173BISFA2
                                    (deux personnes/two players)
                                         /Cage thoracique/Rib cage  241V  117VI
     Version 1                             173     (deux personnes/two players)
     Version 2                             174     (deux personnes/two players)
Traveling boat
    (Tere te vaka or
             Correr barco)          21
Tree                                       131
Tree to which the ducks
                                     fly      141
Turtle, green                         172    (deux personnes/two players)
     Green turtle cut open     173  (deux personnes/two players)
Twin children (Ibiaro)              65        176XVI*    149XVI (photo)
Vulvas, two;Penis and
  vulva                                      94
Vulvas, three                        160
Water buffalo                       106-94
Water-goanna                       137
Water-goanna                       139
Waterhole or billabong       104         ~Waterhole     4M96
Waterhole or billabong       137
Waterhole or billabong       154
Water in a river-bed            100
Wawalik sisters
          standing up                  151
White goshawk                      123
White man                             113
White man´s shoe                  159
Woman´s breasts                   131
Women fighting, two             145
Women sitting down, three  125
Woman with
      carrying-bags, two          132
Wooden spear-head              160
Yam                                        118
Yam                                        130
Yam                                        130
Yam                                         177 (doubled loop)  -Ant´s legs 169
Yam, two                                171    (deux personnes/two players)
Yams, four                              172    (deux personnes/two players)
178. (fig. 222)                          178
179. (fig. 223)                          179
181. (fig. 20)                            179
183. (see fig. 51)                      179
185. (fig. 225)                           179
186. (see fig. 18)                       180
187. (fig. 226)                           180
188. (see fig. 66)                       181
194. (fig. 227)                           182
198. (fig. 228)                           182
199. (see fig. 13)                       183
200. (fig. 229)                           183
201. (see fig. 59)                       183
203. (fig. 230)                            183
207. (fig. 231)                           184
208. (fig. 232)                            185
212. (see fig. 79)                        185 

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