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Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés


Un grand merci à Lenny








       Here is a trick that will mislead
         easily your family circle.
         After making this figure  "Fishes",
         You do it again and you make
          a "mistake"......
         But is it really a mistake?
         Your friends will think you are
          a little genius!


     A. 1 and 2 grasp a segment
          of the loop.

         A short segment must to
          pass between the hands.

          Pass the right´s half of
          the segment, in front of
          the left´s half to form
          a little hanging loop....
          Introduce 2, toward you,
          in the little hanging loop.

          Straighten  2
          Release 1.
          Extend to absorb the big
          hanging loop.

          Yous have now two loops
          on 2.The near strings are
          parallels and the far
          strings are crossing.

        This move is know under
          the name
          "Murray Opening"

     B. Rotate L2 away from you,
          down, toward you and up.
          (Keep the L2 loops in

     C. 1, over lower 2n, picks up
           lower 2f.

     D. 1, over upper 2n, picks up
          upper 2f.

          You have two loops on 1
           and two on 2.

     E. 5 hooks down upper 2n,
          and picks up lower 2n.

     F. 2 hooks up the oblique
          string, that crosses the
          5 loop.
          Release 1.

         You have three  loops
          on 2 and one on 5.

          Where are the fishes?
          Mistake? NO!

         You need to rotate the
          R hand, away from you.

        There is a double W at
        the center.


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