High tide
High tide
- Par isfa
- Le 05/12/2016
- Dans In English too
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High tide
Daniel Sutherland
Davidson(Aboriginal Australian
string figures
Philadelphia 1941
140 pp
Low tide
(my variation)
A. Opening A.
R1 hooks down all the
strings...R2 passes over R1, and
picks up, from the far side
5f...Turn the R palm D,
toward you, straightning
R1 and R2.
R1 and R2 share a loop.
B. Turn the R palm,
away fom you.
L2 picks up R12 (upper).
Release upper R1.You have the Opening Z
(All the strings are crossing
except 1n and upper 2n).C. 1 and 345 enter, from
below, into 2².D. 2 enters from above into 5,
draws toward you 5n, enters
from above into 1...2 picks up 1f and draws it
through his loop, which
slip off.
Release 1.
1 from below removes 2.
You have a loop on 1,
one on 5 and two on
the wrists.
E. R1 and R2 lift the both
loops of the L wrist over
the L hand, and put them
on L1 and L5.
Do the same with the
other hand.F. 2 enters from above into 5,
draws toward you 5n,
enters from above into 1...2 picks up 1f
and draws it through his
loop, which slips off.
If you want the low tide,
see at the bottom of this page
For the high tide, continue...
G. Release 5³. Extend.
5 picks up 2n.
Release 2.You have three loops
on 1, and one on 5.H. 2 hooks up, the both strings
that are crossing below the
plunging behind them,
on each side of the double
triangle inverse.I. Release 1.
Move the palms,
alternately, toward you
and away from you, you
have the high tide.
G. 345 pass over 5f²
and push back them
toward you.H. Withdraw slowly 1 from
his loops.
1 enters, away from, you
into his former loops and
picks up 5f².I. Release 5³.
Move the palms,
alternately, toward you
and away from you, you
have the low tide.
Arrange if need.