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Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés


  • Pig trap


    Pig trap

    A. C. HADDON


          Long string

        A. Opening A.

        B. 1 et 2 grasp 2f and 5n.
             3 hook down
             1f and 2n...

             1 and 2 drop the grasped
             1 and 2 grasp 1f et 2n
             Release 3....

             1 and 2 put the grasped strings
             on the toe.

         C. Release 5 and extend.

             You have a loop 1-toe,
             a loop on 2 and one loop on
             the toe.

         D. 5 pass over 2, and
              pick up 1f.

         E. Exchange the 2 loops,
              the right throught the left:

              L2, from above, remove
              the R2 loop.
               ...R2, from above, enter into
              the lower L2 loop and remove it,
              lifting it over the upper loop.

         F. 1 pick up 2n.
              Navaho 1.
              Release 2 and extend very well.

    The RECTANGLE in
    the middle
    the pig


         G. Release 1 gently.
              1 pick up 5n.

    The fall of the pig in the trap.
    The loose strings on the foot,
    represents the pig


         H. Opening A.
              Extend gently.

         I. 1 pick up 2n.
             Navaho 1.

         J. 5 pick up 2f.
             Navaho 5.
             Release 2.

       K. Move the hands up and down
            to imite the cries of the pig that
            run away while the strings are
            drawn tight.
