Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

To zen or not to zen


A. Do the  Wink Opening.


B. 2 and 5 have

a common loop.


C. Pass this loop 

above 5 and 2.

And put it on 1.


D. Now do a Fruit of Lotus.


You have the Louvre Pyramid

filmed from above.

Move aside the loops

wrapped around

the wrist loop, to let

the President go out.


E.  2 has two loops.

Release only the simple

loop R2.

You have the president.


F. Fold L2345 on L2n and L1n




G. Then, R1 and R2 pass

the wrist's loop L above

the hand L, slowly .


You have a loop on L2, L1-2,

R1-2 and a wrist's loop R.


A drake in the air,

You can also think you

have a drake and a duck

because you have two bodies

(but one head).



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