Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

Figures reconstruites

  • Ayatori for three/Ayatori pour trois



    Three players 

    A, B and C


    I wrote hand but

    the players use only 2


    A. With 2 hook down the loop

    so you get a triangle.

    The top is on the left.


    B. Then, the player A holding

    the triangle's top release

    the loop, and make the base

    with one hand,

     while the

    two other players B and C make

    the top, with one hand.

    You get a triangle.

    The top is on the right.


    C. Then the players move

    their hands:


    The player A holding the base,

    put his right hand on the

    base's middle while,


    the player B on his right put

    his left hand on the right's

    end base, and his right hand

    on the side's middle, while


    the player C on his right put

    his right hand on the other

    side's middle.


    D. The player A:

    his left hand with the

    string touch the triangle's

    side at his right.

    The player B with his

    right hand take this string

    and hold it with his string.

    The player A hold one string

    with his right hand.


    The player B: 

    his left hand with the

    string touch the string holding

    by the player C's right hand.

    The player C with his

    right hand take this string

    and hold it with his string. 

    The player B hold one string

    with his right hand.


    The player C:

    his left hand with the

    string touch the string holding

    by the player A's right hand.


    The player A with his

    right hand take this string

    and hold it with his string. 

    The player C hold one string

    with his right hand.


    E. You have a double triangle.

    All the players hold the

    corners with two hands.


    F. Then all the players with

    theirs right hands push one

     side's string to form a triangle.

    You have a simple triangle

    with three triangle around it.


    G. Then, all the players push

    these string into the

    triangle's middle.


    H. Then again outside to get

    bigger triangles.


    I. Then extend more and get

    a three-pointed star.


    J. The player B: his right hand

    with his string move to

    player C's right hand.


    The player C: his right hand

    with his string move to

    player A's right hand.



    The player A: his right hand

    with his string move to

    player B's right hand.


    K. Now move the left hands

    with theirs strings 

    outside to get again the

    double triangles.


    L. Then all the players with

    theirs right hands push one

     side's string to form a triangle.

    You have a simple triangle

    with three triangle around it.