Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

Canoe with its Sails


Canoe with its Sails

     H. C. ET H. E. MAUDE

      (String Figures
       from Gilbert Islands)


          Long loop

    A. Opening A.

   B. 2 removes, from below, 1.

   C. 1 enters, from above, into
        lower 2 and removes from
        below, 5.

   D. 5 enters, from above, into
        upper 2, passes below
        lower 2, and removes from
        below 1.

        You have two loops on 2
         and one on 5.

   E. 1 passes over lower 2,
        behind upper 2f, and
         removes from
        above upper 2.

   F. 1 enters, from above, into 2
        and picks up 5n.

   G. Extension Caroline.





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