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Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés



The dancer

collected by


      A. Position 1.

     B. R1 and R2 catch L1n and
          wrap it around L1,

     C. R2 enters from below into
           L1 new loop, and returns.

     D. L2 enters from above into R2,
          and pick up the R palmar string.
           R2 enters from above into L2,
           and pick up the L palmar string

           You have two loops on L1,
           one on L2, one on R1,
           two on R2 an one one 5.

     E.  Release the L hand and turn the
           R hand's palm down

     F. L1 and L5 remove from above
           toward the R hand, the upper R2.
           Then L1 remove from above the
           remaining R2.
           Return the hands in upright position.

     G. L1 and L2 catch R1f and R5n.
           Release R1.
           R1 enters into his former loop
           from above, and enters from below
           into R5.

     H.  L1 and L2 release the R1f et
           R5n strings.

           Caroline Extension .


            Rotate the palms so they
            are facing each other,
            then extend again.


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