Vata ("A Bushman")
- Par isfa
- Le 01/05/2021
- Dans In English too
- 0 commentaire
("A Bushman")
or Kani Beka (defecation)
or shrimp.
BY H.C. and H.E. MAUDE
A. Do "Fishes".
B. 1 passes behind the outer
two strings of W, and
brings these strings
toward you. (my méthode)
C. R2 removes, from above,
the L2 upper loop.
L1 and L2 lift the former
R2 upper loop over the
new R2 upper loop, and
put it on L2.
D. Release 1. (Say "Bekan" (faeces))
(my méthode)
E. Release the upper 2 loop.
(Say "Tiraiko" (clean yourself))
F. Release the upper new
2 loop.
("Kabaea Ririm (Knot your skirt))
G. Release the last 2 loop.
(An Nako" (start))
H. If you want a figure
looking like really to
a Bushman....
at step B. 1 must to take a
pair of strings
forming the two
arms of the
du middle of W.
at step D. Don´t release 1.
3 pushes toward
you the 5f string.
Introduce 1 into
the space délimited
by the double
strings 1n and the
5n string (below).
Straighten 3 and
Here is the drawing
of the "real"
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