- Par isfa
- Le 09/06/2013
- Dans Jeux de ficelle traduits
- 0 commentaire
Update/mis à jour 30/08/2009
(Kurábikò iruedi /
uràbiò iruedi)
(BISFA 9 p183)
Longue ficelle
A. Put the loop on the wrist.
B. 1 hooks up the wrist´s
string n.
5 hooks up the wrist´s
string f.
C. 5 picks up 1f.
1 picks up the palmar
string 5.
You have a loop on each
wrist, two loops on 1, and
two on 5.
D. With the help of the other
hand, release the wrist´s
Extend gently.
You have "two butterflies".
E. R2 et R3 pick up
the closest string, of the
butterfly´s wing D at L.
L2 and L3 enter, from
above, in the R2-R3 loop,
and pick up the closest
string of the butterfly´s
wing L at D.
You have two loops on 1
and two on 5.
2 and 3 share a loop.
F. RH wraps L2n once
around L2 and L3, then...
RH wraps L3f once
around L2 and L3.
Do the same with LH.
If you'll do this many times
you'll get the figure "Two Coconuts".
(thank to Joe)
G. Bend the fingers toward
the center to reveal an X,
on either side of the
central diamond.
2 picks up the diamond´s
lower string, while 3 picks
up the upper string of the
H. Navaho 2 and 3 (lift the
three lower loops 23,
over the upper loop of 2
and of 3, and release them).
You have two loops on 1
and two on 5.
2 has a loop and 3 also.
I. R1 et R2 enter, from
above, into L2 and
remove L1²...then
withdraw from L2, and
reset the loop L1² on L1.
R1 et R2 enter, from
above, into L3 and
remove L5²...then
withdraw from L2, and
reset the loop L5² on L5.
Do the same with the
other hand.
J. Release 2 and 3. Extend
with the fingers pointed
away from you.
K. To release the figure:
Put down the figure and
lift the loop, passing over
each double loop 1 and 5,
and release it.
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