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Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

Cat's Cradle and other string figures

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  • Le 23/04/2013
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A Joost Elffers and Michael Shuyt
Penguin books 1979
207 pages
Text by Bab Westerveld
Research and explanations by Hein Broos
Photography and layout by Mirjam de Vriies
Translated by Plym Peters and Tony Langham




update/Mis à jour  21/05/2011

108    FIGURES



Ace of diamonds   196E (372)           /Soldier´s bed  100E
(325) 133H
          42P    228V 196E
              34PA  18F   15JI  40B
              38GI     38GI*  121Q
Apache door           88E              (12) 147L   31B  40MTII (step 5 isn't correct)
     (Darsie not working) RICHARD
                                                32GI* 68Q  22T
(Eric) 157BISFA6
                                           /Apache door 166E (Eric)
                                            /Big apache door 8S98

Bat                         176E     71MT  78MTII
Bundle of candles  136E       (248)   70JII       24P
 16PA    36Q   39YI 74TII
BUTTERFLY       84E            (219 mauvaises explications/
not good explainations)
33GIII   133BISFA7
(Eric) 37B  87BISFA6
 /Butterfly, Japanese  24GII
Butterfly 3M01
Butterfly 48K

Calm sea               102E                (326) 134H  20F
                                                      36PA   43P   16JI    229V
                                                                 39GI*   39GI  122Q
                                                                /Candles  142H
                                                                /Candles   68GII
Candle thief          136E            (248)  70JII  24P   16PA
 36Q 39YI
Canoe with two
                      sails  185E            66XIV
  bundles of wood   200E          (66)  141L  38JII  30B
 71 (Eric)
 86K  13T (Darsie not working)
Caterpillar            197E           /WORM (222)  61K
CAT´S-CRADLE  100E            (324)  39P  32PA  40B  13JI
                                             132H  192A  226V   121Q
 /Panier à chats  16F
  /Berceau du chat  37GI
  /Berceau du chat  37GI *





CAT´S EYE          105E            (332) 47P    39PA  42B 21JI
                                                                  139H   226V   27F
                                                                 43GI  42GI*   123Q
 /Cat´s eye   140H
                                                                 /Cat´s eye 70GII
CHAIR                  137E            (250)  76JII
                                                                 39Q     27P   19PA
Child is born         174E             19S97-21I
Climbing a tree    176E              (376 drawing/dessin) 145L  51ST
    52B  28GI*(Eric)
                                                                   69TII  34Q  19T 35
Coconut net          204E                 ?XIV
Chicken bum           34E               16GI*  (Eric)    (Hilard)  17ST 77BISFA3
Coat-hanger           32E
Cow´s head           201E            (58)  (Eric)
(Darsie not working) Richard
~Venus (Kõpu) 36S
CRADLE              100E            (325)  40B    40P  32PA
                                                13JI   132H   37GI*   121Q
  192A   227V   16F   37GI
 /Cradle  123Q
   /Cradle  66GII  72GII
Crow´feet              195E            (116)  51Q 73TII  115BISFA6
  150L  32B  135BISFA6  (Eric)
     /Devil fish, two  47K  48K
            /Shuttle for fishing net 4XI
Cup and saucer       31E               5JI  12F  26  244V  119VI
    (Hilard) (Britt not working)    14GI
 (Eric) 141BISFA7
     The Witch's Hat (Eric)

     The Eiffel Tower (Eric)
         The Stethoscope (Eric)
            The Elephant's Nose  (Eric)

Outrigger canoe  139L  25B  255U
(Britt not working) 11T 6XI (Eric)

Star  (Eric)
                                                                 /Devil´s horn 15D98

Dancer                  182E           (253)  26GIII  57B  72Q
        38T  1XI  88BISFA6
Darkness               197E       (373 drawing/dessin)  7D97-5I
116Y  40GIII (Eric) 78R
 ~Face mask  6D00  ~Fire  23S00





Diadem                   148E(/Diadem 161E)
                  (24)  153L  25JI   40X
 36B  32GI  122FO
                74Q  115-156BISFA6
 (Steve) (Hilard)
             (Darsie not working) (Eric)
                   /Tour Eiffel       35GI
         /Tower Eiffel  80H

Diamonds, two         49E      39ST      118FO  (Eric)
  (28) 115-156BISFA6
          109BISFA7 (photo)
/Filet   (Hilard)
                  TWO     201E         (393)
Dragonflies, two      205E     66XIV

Eifffel Tower            32E        9JI  14F    (Hilard) (Britt  not working)
    /Tower Eiffel  80H
     /Tour Eiffel  35GI
   /Tour  (Hillard)






Find the owl          200E      (55) (Eric) 144BISFA7
     Ending to Milky Way   144BISFA7
Firmament            121E
Fish                        188E          (233)  67GIII 45 34B 80Q  39T
            (Eric) (Darsie Not working)
                       27XI   25W
 ~M/N/W/Z 244BISFA8
     Pig, the little     189E            70GIII  61B-(Britt)
(Eric) 39T 45
                                                                   41XI 82Q
     Frog                  192E      75GIII  (Eric)  84Q  120/Frog 91K

     Silau, the Evil
                  Spirit    192E

Fly                           38E         44H  6JII  13P  5PA 23FO  (Eric)
   44B  249V  123VI 20GI*
       /Fly  61XI
/Fly   (Musi)  60XI
Flying bird              75E        /Flying bird  48JII  26GI*30T
Four boys hand
             -in-hand     204E        (376 drawing/dessin)
              (Darsie not working)Richard
Frog                       192E   75GIII  (Eric)  84Q  120/Frog 91K

Gated well             76E/Gated well  173E
 WELL = (85)  36GII  53B  34XI
          -(Darsie not working)
56Q  20T
    Richard   129XIV  76D (Eric)
   (see/voir ici/here)
 20W 88BISFA6
     FENCE = (88)  38GII  54B
           58Q  21T    (Eric)
       Richard(Darsie not working)

Hammock                53E         / 29I-7J97
  /Fishing net 12S98
     /Hammock  110H
HANDCUFFS      137E            (252) 79JII    29P
                                                                           40Q      21PA
Hawk                    118E (une ou deux ficelles, deux personnes/
one or two strings, two players)
Headhunters         156E     (16)  148L   22TII  26T (Eric)
Hole in the tree      197E          7J96
HOUSE                 110E (deux ficelles, trois personnes
/two strings, two  players)
(200 deux ficelles/two strings, 375)
       /House 16M96
Hut                        117E  (301)105BISFA7(two persons, not for the figure)
~Horn   133BISFA5
      ~Basket 121BISFA5
 /Etoile à 6 branches    60FO
                                                                              /Hut (Hilard)

Iburenio                182E 21D97    138XIII    13XI 74S
Islands linked by a
     bridge, two       205E           72I-14S96

Kani Mumun       186E    (Darsie Not working)    ??XIV
King´s throne       183E 16M99  (Darsie not working)
             43X 137BISFA3
129XIV (Eric) Richard
Kiwi                        93E   6S99



(230)  (Eric) 139BISFA7
          /Lizard (Theu)    57XI






Lotus flower
  (it´s the fruit!)    130E     39B   54Q

Man in a hammock  81E   88U  23T   8N   12S99  74BISFA3
Man in bed              87E       (192)  140L  52B  71   (Eric)
             24GI* 12T
Mattress                100E     (325) 133  121Q  228V
34PA  18F   15JI  40B
/Ace of diamonds   196E
/Soldier´s bed  66GII

Mattress turned
                     over    104E     (331)   137H  46P
  38PA  19JI   123Q
            234V  26F 40GI  40GI*
     /Diamonds    68GII

Melon rind          194E
Monkey bum         36E    28  22GI   (Hilard) 5N
Mouse                    44E    (340)  17P  9PA  28JII   79BISFA3
    177BISFA7  144H
138BISFA6 (story)
    95(Gendar)  147(Noble)
23Q (with stories)  61XI
        49B-(Hilard) 26GI     30GI*
Mr Spider            185E         110XIV

Neneuri                194E    Richard     ??XIV

Owl                       201E    (53) (Darsie not working) Richard
(Eric) 51TII 168BISFA7
Owl (gugugu), small  20K
  /Owl, second  21K 547Z
  /OWL,THIRD (55) 200E
(Eric) 144BISFA7
  /Ending to Milky Way

Parachute             42E          (32)  139L     25119BISFA6
                       24B 10F   10T  13W
             247V  121VI  14GI*  20Q
          10JI  (Britt not working)
(Eric)  (Hilard)  33X
 /Broom  6H
                 /Devil fish series  102K
           /Devil fish  102K
Patamona door   175E          9N
Paths to the well  204E       32XIV     204E
Pepper plant        195E
Pig, the little        189E            70GIII  61B-(Britt)
(Eric) 39T 45
     41XI 82Q
Pig on the pegs    107E          (332)  43B  139H  48P
                                                   40PA 123Q
                                                 237V  28F 44GI  43GI*
Pole star              127E                (Eric)

Rabbit                  132E            (79)  54GII  34H (Eric)
                                                      /RABBIT (363)  28BISFA3
RAIN                    204E    (Eric)   6XVI        /Rain (384)
Rectangle             196E
Ribcage                  72E           (308) 259U (Hilard) (Eric)
~ Turtle, Mud  83BISFA8
~Tortoise   173BISFA2
       (deux personnes/two players)
             ~Breastbone and Ribs
Rock of Waondeli  168E         (Darsie Not working )
Richard 10XI








Sardines               160E       36GIII  58B   47X    (Eric)
             ~Sardines 36GIII   26XI
         ~Coral reef  76Q
          ~ Sardines I 25XI
     Low tide          160E           59B     47X      36GIII  26XI
                                                                        ~Coral reef  76Q
                                                                        ~ Sardines I 25XI
   Two sardines
          and more..    160E               59B    47X
36GIII  27XI
                                                                               76Q    25XI

   Hight tide         160E                59B   48X   38GIII 27XI
                                                                            77Q    26XI

   Flowing tide      160E                         60B     48X       77Q

Sawing together   112E           ~   125/Scie 18GI*
   /Scie  24F  41GI
      /SAW MILL (356)
 158L  (Eric)
   /Scie  (HILARD)
Scissors               137E                  (251)     78JII    28P
                                                                                  20PA  40Q
Siberian hut          126E     (361)  143L  60JII  46B
 29 (Eric) 54YI
53TII  28GI  50BISFA3
52Q  17T
 ~Tug-of war with a stick
 (two players, not for the figure;
    with a stick)
                                       /Tangarot   159E    53Q  (Eric)
Silau, the evil
              spirit         192E
Smith´s secret 1   43E        36P  28PA   131K  43E
   32Q  12L   (Hilard)
84TII   96BISFA8(drawing)
Smith´s secret 2   46E      130K  (Hilard)   11L 142FO
 48YI (two hands/deux mains)
Sock on the line      32E
Spectacles                78E          12GII  26B-(Britt)  (Eric) 23ST
          /Spectacles for
              your nose 63I-5S96
-Bull.Jap. 1993:17-18
  /Yeux du hibou  27N
(Hilard) 16GI
Spider´s web        120E          /Spider´s web   51K
STAR, BIG           196E (Darsie not working) Richard   (Eric)
Star of David        117E (deux personnes/two persons)      (307)
Starry sky             122E  (48)  51GII- (Darsie not working)
 Richard  (Eric)
166BISFA6  50TII     142BISFA7
               /Starry sky  170E
    Mexican Hat       143BISFA7

Stickleback          114E (deux ficelles ou plus/two strings or more)
~Tokyo Tower  20J01
(cinq ficelles/five strings)
String around your
     neck and pull     33E        30Q 10M01 (Eric) 105CI  33ST
              139BISFA6  (339) 157L
                        62XI  184BISFA8
Sunfish                 165E    /KING FISH (39)  48GII  155L (Eric)
~Uö Lemadren  2XI
                                                                 ~Kai poloki   63XII
                                                                 ~Patanuku      30XIII
      ~Wind, Gentle-Method 1(b)
                    (Te Matangi Yauleka)      25X
SUNSET               151E        (21)  151L  30GIII 24TII
(Eric) 238BISFA8
~ D 238BISFA8

Ta Ai                     194E          ??XIV
Tangarot               159E           53Q  (Eric)
HOUSE  (361drawing/dessin)
                                         17T  143L 53TII 60JII
                                  46B  29  126E 28GI
                                      50BISFA3  52Q (Eric)
Ten men                200E       /MEN, TEN (150)-(Darsie not working)
                                                                14X    7XIII
 34XII  11XI  45W Richard
  (Eric)  42S     159BISFA5
           /Ten men    200E
Thumb-catcher     38E       (350)  252V  123VI
(Hilard)  (Eric) 68BISFA8
Tinder-box           138E
          Weaving for
            four strong
            hands-the     63E         (380)
 N(deux personnes/two players)
Tree with roots
     and branches    182E      (366)
Truncheon           136E (251)   78JII      29P
                                                                      40Q      21PA
Tunah, tunah       164E  11S06  153XIV
TWO COYOTES  197E (60) (Darsie not working)
Richard  (Eric) 147BISFA7
/Two coyotes, variations 172E

Upturned cradle  103E      (329)   137H  44P 36PA
  40GI     40GI*  17JI  104E
  22F  232V 122Q
 /Mangeoire 23JI
 /Manger  72GII

Ussugdjung   197E     (127)

Weaving for two    58E
Wells, two           205E    ??XIV
Wigwam                 47E       (243)   93(Gendar)    22GI*   47TII
28B  175BISFA7
 /Palmier (Hilard)  27B
                                                                 48Q  16T (Eric)
Would you
      like a sweet?    134E        (352)  47B  82TII


Fly                           38E        44H  6JII  13P  5PA 44B   (Eric)
 249V  123VI  23FO
Mouse                     44E    (340)  17P  9PA  28JII 177BISFA7
                      79BISFA3   144H
138BISFA6 (story)
                                                       95(Gendar)  147(Noble)
 23Q (with stories)
                                                             49B-(Hilard) 26GI     30GI*
Smith´s secret 1    43E      36P  28PA   131K  43E
 32Q  12L   (Hilard)
84TII   96BISFA8(drawing)
Smith´s secret 2     46E         130K   (Hilard) 142FO
 48YI (two hands/deux mains)
Bulletin of String Figure
  N°18  p111

String around
    your neck
       and pull       33E       30Q 10M01  (Eric)  33ST
  139BISFA6  (339) 157L
  62XI 105CI 184BISFA8
Sunfish                  165E    /KING FISH (39) 48GII  155L
Thumb-catcher       38E       (350)  252V  123D
(Hilard) (Eric) 68BISFA8
Would you like
             a sweet?    134E (352) 47B  82TII

Cat's Cradle and other string figures A Joost Elffers and Michael Shuyt

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