Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

Eskimos String Figures and Their Origin

  • Par isfa
  • Le 23/04/2013
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      update/Mis à jour   10/06/2010

       Aliortorpoq                           43A
       Animal carrying a load        22A
       Animals, Two                       31A
       Anus                                      26A
       Arms                                      13A
       Bear comes from its house   23A
       Bear cub, Brown                 36A
       Bear, Polar                           20A     16D97-44I
       Bears and their cubs, Black 35A
       Bears, Two brown               16A
       Beaver                                  25A
       Bird dart                              21A
       Blow                                      35A
       Boat, A small                        40A
       Breast bone                           29A
       Burbot                                  40A
       Butterflies                            38A
       Cache sexe                            42A     /Cache sexe   42A
       Caribou                                16A
       Caribou, Two bull               39A
       Carrier, The wood               40A
       Child                                     35A
       Children                                40A
       Child Sliding                        38A
       Dancing                                25A
       Dog                                       20A
       Dog dragging the sled          40A
       Dog hung up by the neck     35A
       Dog or Fox                           17A
       Dogs feeding, Two                39A
       Door, The closed                   39A
       Ennemies, The two               43A
       Entrance to a tent                32A
       Face                                      14A
       Fawn, Two                            17A
       Fire on the lamp                  30A
     Fish-net torn by the
                     polar bears           40A       19M99
                    74Y 163BISFA6
       Fox                                       15A  /Fox   39A
       Fox on its back                    36A
       Girl, Frightened                 33A
       Gullet                                  34A
       Gun and Bullet                   29A
       Hair pulling                        20A  /Hair-pulling  37A
       Hare                                    14A
       Harpoon float                     25A
       Hill with two ponds at
                                  the foot      24A     9J99     84YI
                   (371 DESSIN/drawing)
       House                                  35A
       Houses, Two                       36A
       Kamiks                                 43A
       Katizit                                  43A
       Kayak                                  26A
       Kilivfak                               30A
       Lamp                                   37A  5/10  37A  153BISFA10Bull.  Jap. 11p7, 8 et 9
77NO (Dessin/drawing)
~ STAIRS  (362 drawing/dessin) 48BISFA3
        /Lamp    42A
       Lamp flames on top of
                               each other    43A
       Lamp flames upside down  43A
       Lamp flames upside
                   down and twisted     43A
       Lamp flames with two
                                       loops     43A
       Lamp, The burning             41A
       Lamp, The flames               42A
       Lamp Stand                         38A
       Lemmings and their
                      Burrows, Two      24A
       Lemmings, Two                  36A
       Loon                                    29A    /Loon  34A
                   /Loon  38A
       Loops                                   43A
       Man                                     43A
       Man and a woman              43A
       Man and his faces               19A
       Man and his harpon           39A
       Man from the sea                38A
       Man hanging in a trap         23A
       Man looks below the
                  sleeping platform       28A
       Man with his toes turned
                                             out     32A
       Men at a sealing hole, Two   43A
       Men carrying water             34A
       Men sealing, Two                  22A
       Men stalking seals, Two        41A
       Mountain                               36A
       Mountains                              40A
       Mouth                                    20A    /Mouth   38A
       Narwhal                                  43A
       Nest, Seagull´s                       36A
       Oxen, Two musk                   19A
       Paddle                                     42A
       People crying, Two                43A
       Persessa shuk                        26A
       Plane                                       24A
       Post                                         41A
     Ptarmigans                              40A     16J96   90BISFA6
                         (365 no method)
                                        49Q    76Y
       Rats on a log, Two                40A
       Raven                                   16A    /Raven   32A
       Rib                                        34A
       Scapulae                              32A   /Scapulae  34A
       Scissors                                35A
       Sculpin                                 40A
       Seagulls, Two                      35A
       Seal                                      38A   18M98??
       Seal comes up to breath     43A
       Seal float, Small                  34A
       Seal holes, Two                   36A
       Seal´s Kidneys                    38A
       Shaman rises                       24A
       Shaman´s familiar spirits   39A
       Spirit bear                           40A
       Squirrel                                40A
       Stalker                                 35A
       Stomach                               17A
     Sun and Mountains              40A   21D98
      Swan                                     32A    17M97-44I
       Testicles                                41A
       Those who are taken            42A
       Turnstone                              40A
       Tutänuvit                             31A
       Tutarnusit                            43A
       Ucuyyuk                               37A
       Walrus head                        23A
       Walrus Poke                        39A
       Walrus tusk, Broken           38A
       Whale blowing                      27A
      Whale, White                       15A   18M98
       Wolverine or Shag              19A
       Woman and her pack,
                                   The old      40A
       Woman knots her hairs       36A
       Youth, The two                     39A

Eskimos String Figures and Their Origin T.T. PATERSON

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