Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

Fool of the Kingdom

  • Par isfa
  • Le 05/05/2013
  • Dans Livres
  • 0 commentaire

de Philip D. Noble
Meriwether Publishing LTD
194 pages


     6 figures (qui sont aussi des tours de ficelle/also tricks)

        Good soil                       151           17M00   18L
     MOUSE                         147         (340)  17P  9PA  28JII  144H
                                                                         95(Gendar) 49B-(Hilard) 44E
                                                                        26GI     30GI*  23Q  61XI
                                                    177BISFA7 79BISFA3
                                                   138BISFA6  (story)
     Path                                145
     Rocky ground                147
     String game release         53
     Weeds                             149

Fool of the Kingdom

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