Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

Fun with string figures

  • Par isfa
  • Le 23/04/2013
  • Dans Livres
  • 0 commentaire

 de Walter William Rouse, Ball
         1976, DOVER
         82 pages


update/Mis à jour    21/05/2011


31 figures

Batoka gorge                     29B  40TII  (Britt no working)  (Eric)

             (219 mauvaises explications
/not good explainations)
33GIII   84E  78Q  (Eric)
              /Butterfly, Japanese  24GII
Butterfly 3M01/Butterfly 48K





CARRYING WOOD           30B   (66)  141L  38JII   (Eric)
     86K   13T 200E   71
          (Darsie not working)  Richard

Caterpillar                     57B       (253)  26GIII    182E
       72Q  38T  1XI 88BISFA6

CAT´S-CRADLE               40B     (324)  39P 32PA    13JI
132H (Eric)  (site)
 227V     121Q
/Panier à chats  16F
 /Berceau du chat  37GI
          /Berceau du chat  37GI *
CAT´S EYE                    42B    (332) 47P    39PA    21JI
 123Q  43GI  42GI*
 139H   236V   27F   105E
 /Cat´s eye   140H
/Cat´s eye 70GII

CRADLE                            40B   (325)  40P  32PA   13JI
    132H 121Q   37GI   37GI*
227V   16F 100E
  /Cradle  66GII  72GII
/Cradle  123Q
Crow feet                            32B  (116)  150L (Eric)  73TII
     195E 135BISFA6
     51Q 115BISFA6
/Devil fish, two  47K  48K
 /Shuttle for fishing net 4XI

Ebbing tide                         58B    47X   160E  (Eric)
         ~Sardines 36GIII   26XI
     ~Coral reef  76Q
   ~ Sardines I 25XI
   Low tide                          59B       47X      36GIII  26XI  160E
  ~Coral reef  76Q
  ~ Sardines I 25XI
   Two sardines
               and more..            59B      47X   36GIII  27XI
     76Q    25XI  160E

   Hight tide                         59B     48X   38GIII 27XI
 77Q    26XI  160E

   Flowing tide                     60B       48X   160E    77Q

Elusive loop                         47B      (352)   134E  82TII

FISH IN A DISH              43B       (332)    139H  48P  40PA
               123Q    44GI  43GI*
     237V  28F 107E

Fishing net                           36B       (24)  153L  25JI 94(Gendar)
        32GI  40X 115-156BISFA6
                                                             74Q   (Steve)  (Hilard)
        (Darsie not working)
(Eric) Richard
                                                           148E/Diadem 161E
                                                            /Tour Eiffel       35GI
                                                          /Tower Eiffel  80H

FISH-SPEAR                      24B      (32)  139L
                10F 10T  13W 25
                 247V 121VI   42E
         10JI  (Britt not working)  (Hilard)
           33XI (Eric)/Broom  6H
           /Devil fish series  102K
           /Devil fish  102K

FISHES, LITTLES            34B         (233)  67GIII
     (Darsie Not working) Richard
    159BISFA4 , 155BISFA8
            188E  80Q  27XI 39T
25W (Eric)
      ~M/N/W/Z 244BISFA8
      Porker/Pig                    61B           -(Britt not working)   70GIII
         (Eric)  189E 45
    39T  41XI 82Q

Frame-work for a hut       27B      (Hilard)  48Q
   16T  29TII(Eric)
            /HOGAN, ONE  (243)
 47E   22GI* 175BISFA7

HOGAN, ONE                  28B   47TII   (243)  93(Gendar)
          47E    22GI* 175BISFA7
               /Palmier (Hilard) 27B
  48Q    16T (Eric)

Laia flower                        40B  -(Darsie not working) Richard
44GII   36T

Laia fruit                            39B        54Q    130E
 Lightning , version B         33B        30GI 129BISFA7
    28T   86BISFA6
               ~LIGHTNING, version A
           33B (Darsie not working)
   (Eric) (216) 30GI
                   ~Lightning C
        /Lightning   15XI
       /Super lighting (Eric)

                  A TREE            52B    (376 drawing/dessin)  145L  51ST
176E  (Eric) 35
             69TII  28GI* 34Q  19T

Mosquito                             44B    44H  6JII  13P  5PA
  249V   (Eric)
  123VI   38E 20GI* 23FO
 /Fly     61XI
        /Fly   (Musi)   60XI

Moth or spectacles             26B     12GII (Britt not working) 78E (Eric) 23ST
 /Spectacles for
 your nose 63I-5S96
   -Bull.Jap. 1993:17-18
  /Yeux du hibou  27N
 16GI  (Hilard)

Outrigger canoe                 25B        -(Britt not working)  139L
          11T 6XI     (Eric)

Porker/Pig                          61B    -(Britt not working)
70GIII  (Eric)
  189E 45
                                                           39T  41XI 82Q

Salmon net     56B




SIBERIAN HOUSE            46B    (361)  143L  60JII
 29 (Eric)
 17T     52Q   53TII
              126E 28GI  50BISFA3
             ~Tug-of war with
a stick    551Z
           (two players, not for the figure;
   with a stick) 93K
                                                       /Tangarot 159E  53Q  (Eric)

Sleeper                                52B     (192)  140L  71 (Eric)
        87E  24GI*  12T

Snuffer-tray                        40B       (325) 133H 42P 192A
 100E  121Q
    34PA  18F   15JI  228V
38GI  38GI*
         /Ace of diamonds   196E
/Soldier´s bed  66GII

Tent flap                              31B       (12)  147L-(Darsie not working)  40MTII (step 5 isn't correct)
   88E 157BISFA6
  RICHARD  32GI* 68Q 22T
  (Eric) 151BISFA7
            /Apache door 166E (Eric)
   /Big apache door  8S98

Tern                                     48B        144L  18T   10TII

Throwing a spear                51B          (131) 7TI    29T  (Eric) 41ST

Veiled Sun, or an eclipse    35B          -(Britt not working)   (160)

WELL                                  52B    -(Darsie not working)    (85)
     36GII  88BISFA6
 56Q  20T (Eric) 34XI
     Richard   129XIV
76D  17TII
 /Gated well76E
       /Gated well 173E
AROUND A WELL           54B    (88)  38GII
             Richard (Darsie not working)
          58Q  21T  (Eric)  19TII
 /Gated well   76E
    /Gated well  173E

Yam chief, or
     uprooting the Alou         49B    (Hilard)   61XI
 138BISFA6 (story)
         (340)  17P  9PA   28JII
  144H     30GI*
  23Q (with stories)
            95(Gendar) 147(Noble)
 44E  26GI
       (Eric) 177BISFA7





4 Tours de ficelle/TRICKS

Elusive loop                        47B      (352)   134E  82TII
Fluttering wings                 48B        144L
Mosquito                             44B        44H  6JII  13P  5PA
     249V (Eric)  23FO
  123VI   38E 20GI*
/Fly     61XI
 /Fly   (Musi)   60XI
Yam chief,
     or uprooting the Alou     49B    (Hilard)
   138BISFA6 (story)
  (340)  17P 9PA  28JII
144H    30GI*
  23Q  (with stories)
 95(Gendar) 147(Noble)
44E  26GI
 (Eric) 177BISFA7



Fun with string figures Ball Walter William Rouse

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