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Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

Fun with string

  • Par isfa
  • Le 25/04/2013
  • Dans Livres
  • 0 commentaire

A collection of
string games, useful braiding and
weaving, knot and Magic with
string and rope

          de Joseph Leeming
          Dover, 1994
          159 pages

update/mis à jour 22/05/2011

19 figures


APACHE DOOR      147L        (12) 31B-(Darsie not working)  40MTII (step 5 isn't correct)
88E  (Eric)
  32GI*68Q RICHARD 22T
  151BISFA7 , 157BISFA6
                                                                /Apache door 166E   (Eric)
                                             /Big apache door  8S98
     DIAMONDS        154L       (43)  (Eric)
     ~Barrière, Grande   120FO   54H
CARIBOO                142L      (124) (Eric)   28GIII
  15T 102BISFA6-(365)
38, 57BISFA3
  ~Running caribou 21S02
    /Caribou (Rapid-making method)
 /Caribou in the willows 85BISFA6
CARRYING WOOD 141L         (66)  38JII  30B  71 13T
    (Eric) 159BISFA7
                                                                      86K  200E
    (Darsie not working)  Richard
Cheating the
        hangman         157L    (339)  33ST 62XI  139BISFA6
30Q   33E
    10M01  (Eric) 105CI  184BISFA8
                                                                ~Tie the chicken (Yele moa)    62X
Eskimo house and
    two eskimos
        running away    143L            126E   28GI (Eric)
      53TII  60JII (361)
     46B 29
   50BISFA3  52Q
   17T 84BISFA6
          ~Tug-of war with a stick  551Z
   (two players, not for the figure;
                  with a stick)
   /Tangarot 159E 52Q (Eric)

 HEAD-HUNTERS  148L          (16)  22TII   156E  26T (Eric)
FISH-SPEAR           139L    (32)      24B  20Q  121VI
       10F  247V 42E    14GI*  10T 25
            10JI (Hilard) (Britt not working)
   33XI   13W (Eric)
     106BISFA6 ,   119BISFA6
   /Broom  6H
   /Devil fish series  102K
   /Devil fish  102K
Knotted rope               18L            17M00  151(Noble)
Lace fingers                 11L            46E      130K  152H
    (Hilard)  142FO 567Z
 LOCHIEL´S DOGS 150L             73TII   195E 135BISFA6
      (116)  (Eric)  32B 51Q
   /Devil fish, two  47K  48K
    /Shuttle for fishing net 4XI
MAN AND A BED   140L       (192)   52B  71    87E
24GI*  12T (Eric)
                  A TREE  145L        (376 drawing/dessin)   52B  51ST
    176E  (Eric) 35
                                                                     28GI*  34Q  19T 69TII
Osage indian
         diamonds       153L         25JI    (24)   94(Gendar)
36B  32GI
   109-111BISFA7 (photos)
                                                               74Q    40X 115-156BISFA6
                                                            (Steve)  (Hilard)
    (Darsie not working) (Eric) Richard
                                                               148E/Diadem 161E
                                                               /Tower Eiffel  80H

Outrigger canoe      139L         25B     (Britt not working)  (Eric)
SAW MILL              158L         (356)/Sawing together  112E
/Scie 18GI*
           /Scie  24F  41GI
/Scie  (HILARD)
Sea-cow or Dugong  155L   (39)  48GII 13TI  (Eric)
~Uö Lemadren   2XI
                                                                 ~Kai poloki   63XII
                                                                 /Sunfish  165E
                                                                 ~Patanuku      30XIII
~Wind, Gentle-Method 1(b)
                                                                            (Te Matangi Yauleka)      25X

Setting sun                151L         30GIII     (21) 24TII 151E (Eric)
~ D 238BISFA8
String through
          the fingers          12L              32Q   36P  28PA
  131K  43E
   84TII   96BISFA8 (drawing)
Tern                           144L        48B  18T 10TII

    5 Tours de ficelle/Tricks:

Cheating the
            hangman      157L      (339)   62XI 139BISFA6
30Q   33E
  10M01  (Eric)
105CI 184BISFA8
                                                               ~Tie the chicken (Yele moa)  62X
Knotted rope              18L        17M00  151(Noble) 65ST 116MTII
Lace fingers                11L       46E    130K     (Hilard)
142FO  567Z
SAW MILL              158L    (356) (Eric)
   /Sawing together  112E  18GI*
    /Scie  24F  41GI
Sea-cow or Dugong  155L    (39)  48GII 13TI  (Eric)
~Uö Lemadren   2XI
                                                                 ~Kai poloki   63XII
                                                                 /Sunfish  165E
                                                                 ~Patanuku      30XIII
            ~Wind, Gentle-Method 1(b)
                                                               (Te Matangi Yauleka)      25X
String through
             the fingers        12L        32Q   36P  28P
  131K  43E
                    84TII   96BISFA8(drawing)


Fun with string Joseph Leeming

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