Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

Many stars and more string games

  • Par isfa
  • Le 23/04/2013
  • Dans Livres
  • 0 commentaire

de Camilla Gryski
     1985, William Morrow & co Library
     80 pages


* Il est à noter que l´histoire du lasso de Maui se trouve
   dans le livre de Jack London  "la croisière du Snark"
    (p 810 dans la collection "Bouquins" tome 4)
    L´histoire est un peu différente et plus amusante.

** Le taro est une plante tropicale qui a des racines
     tubéreuses et féculentes. Ces racines, une fois cuites,
     forment une pâte fermentée (poï).





 Mis à jour/update   23/05/2011


   22 figures

Brown bears
  and their caves, two         34GII
    Two caves below
              the mountain         34GII
    Two bears comming
       out of their caves         35GII

Butterfly, Japanese            24GII
                                                             /BUTTERFLY  33GIII
                                                                 37B  48K  84E   78Q
Camp bed                           16GII    16S99  34TII

Candles                               68GII        /CANDLES (326) 134H
         20F    39GI     39GI*
              122Q 36PA   43P
        102E 16JI 229V
             /Candles  142H

Cat´s eye                      70GII       /CAT´S EYE  (332) 47P
 42B    21JI 43GI  42GI*
  139H   236V   27F
     39PA    123Q  105E
      /Cat´s eye  140H

Cradle                                 66GII 72GII      /CRADLE     (325)
   40B    40P
       32PA   13JI   132H
   227V   16F 100E
        37GI  37GI *   121Q
      /Cradle  123Q

Diamonds                            68GII         /DIAMONDS    (331)
  46P   38PA  19JI     123Q
  232V  26F  103E  42GI
  137H  41GI*

Drum                                  70GII     /Tambour  45GI*   45GI
Eel or catching crabs         20GII            14T  151XIV

Fire                                     26GII  22CI
Ghost dance                        32GII

Giant clam                          28GII      43W
  Moon in Africa                29GII  ~Plinthios Brokhos
3J01 92BISFA4

KING FISH                       48GII        (39)   155L   165E
 (Eric) 13TII
        ~Uö Lemadren   2XI
                                                       ~Kai poloki   63XII
                                                 /Sunfish  165E
                                                      ~Patanuku  30XIII
  ~Wind, Gentle-Method 1(b)
                                                    (Te Matangi Yauleka)  25X
Laia flower                        44GII             40B-(Darsie Not working)
                      Richard   36T
Lairo or the land
                      crab              18GII           23W

Leashing of
     lochiel´s dogs
 30GII 48TII (121) 158BISFA7








Manger                               72GII          /MANGER    (329)  137H
            36PA   40GI     40GI*
   22F 17JI   232V 104E
   44P   122Q
        /Mangeoire 23JI
           Mexican Hat ,

Maui and the mud hens     77GII (story)

*Maui´s lasso  40GII   97R
~ Arabesque 58FO
/Lasso      31YI








Maui´s Lasso               76GII (story)

Moth or spectacles     12GII            26B (Eric)(Britt not working) 78E  23ST
   /Spectacles for
       your nose  63I-5S96
            -Bull.Jap. 1993:17-18
            /Yeux du hibou  27N
  16GI  (Hilard)
Open the gate              22GII           150BISFA7  83R
    Open the Gate from Rug                             153BISFA7

RABBIT                      54GII         (79)   34H   132E (Eric)
                                                /RABBIT (363) 28BISFA3

Reluctant Sun              74GII (story)

Salt cave                  62GII          104R Richard

Seagull or man carrying a kayak  58GII
        (362 no explanations) 40H  60Q  155BISFA7
     41BISFA3  57TII    8BISFA1

Soldier´s bed               66GII        /SOLDIER´S BED  (325)
                                                  133H 42P   38GI
                                                     38GI*  100E  228V  121Q
                                                 34PA  18F   15JI  40B
                                                          /Ace of diamonds   196E
Solo cat´s cradle
        (all by yourself)    66GII          ~17S00    1-3BULL.JAP.1979N°2
STARS, MANY           51GII           (48)  (Eric) 142BISFA7
122E 50TII 166BISFA6
  (Darsie not working)  Richard
                                                    /Starry sky  170E
String trick                 14GII                   31ST~33E  30Q
WELL                          36GII      (85)  53B-(Darsie Not working)
56Q Richard
  129XVI  76D (Eric)  17TII
                                                20T   34XI  88BISFA6
                                                 /Gated well76E
                                                  /Gated well 173E
                    A WELL   38GII         19TII (88) 54B (Eric)
      RICHARD  (Darsie not working)
                                                        58Q   21T
                                                  /Gated well76E
                                                 /Gated well 173E

    3 Tours de ficelle/TRICKS:

Eel or catching crabs  20GII           14T    151XIV
KING FISH                48GII        (39)   155L   165E
   (Eric) 13TII
~Uö Lemadren   2XI
                                                 ~Kai poloki   63XII
                                                  /Sunfish  165E
                                                ~Patanuku      30XIII
        ~Wind, Gentle-Method 1(b)
                                                      (Te Matangi Yauleka)      25X
Lairo or the land
                       crab       18GII        23W
String trick                 14GII           31ST~33E  30Q

Camilla Gryski Many stars and more string games

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