Solomon Islands String Figures
From field collections made by
SIR RAYMOND FIRTH in 1928-1929
CHRISTA DE COPPET in 1963-1965
The Homa Press
Voir aussi ici
Mis à jour/update 8/03/2010
Aiole or
Bunch of Arite fruit
(Hunu ni Arite) 7XV
Aparu 146XV
Aruaru or worm
(Tatarawai) 158XV
Arm ring (Hato) 49XV
Barringtonia fruit
(Putu) 101XV
Barringtonia nut
(Vutu) or
Fruit of the tree
(Rotoni hou) 108XV
Big rock outside
Takataka bay
(Houhaarii) 74XV
Bird (Nelo) 13XV
Bird´s nest (Nui) 164XV
Bona 56XV
Bosu or Pig (Poo) 112XV VOIR PORKER??
Canarium indicum
nuts (Ninge) 53XV
Canoe (Baru) 116XV
Stone (Fau) 117XV
Reef (Mai) 117XV
Canoe paddle (Arohi) 51XV
Caterpillar (Te Pekio) 11XV
Caterpillar (Nambiri)
or Worm creeping
(Numo ka haani) 58XV
Centipede (Narihe) 170XV
Chewing (Dandako) 54XV
Basket for food,
hung up when
eating finished
(Holu) 55XV
Club (Sumbi) 168XV
Coconuts (Nenu) 153XV
Coconuts (Niu) 35XV
Crab (U´a) 77XV
Constellation of
two stars
(Purupuru matana) 96XV
Crab (Ou´a) 162XV (deux personnes/two players)
Cuscus in Mota
(Kandora) 50XV
Dead men (Wane mai) 39XV
Dead men
(Tsime manubo) 106XV
Diving (Mbari) 91XV
Dolphin (Nedlo) 17XV
Eagle gathering
material for nest
(Hata Totorowato) 31XV
Eight day of
(Waru hou roko) 125XV
Sun (Rato) 126XV
Fight (Omea) 38XV
Fire (Tunga apapala) 159XV (deux personnes/two players) trick!!
Flying fox (Kaiili) 101XV
Four branches of
the hata touch
each other
(Hoï rarani teera´i) 45XV
Four men shotting
parasites on a tree
(Hoi mane sike iito) 63XV
Four men up a tree
gathering ngali
nuts; the rain
comes and two
men descend,
two still in a tree
(Whai wane) 63XV
Flying fox
(Rawako) 161XV (deux personnes/two players)
Flying fox caught
in lawyer cane
(Kakenaku) 36XV
Flying fox (Maliva) 37XV
Freshwater eel
(Wouho) 134XV
Cavity-house of
the freshwater eel
(Haoto) 134XV
(used for looking
the eel under a stone) 135XV
Eel 135XV
Frog Pari (Ko´e Pari) 130XV
Frog 130XV
Stone with
which the
frog was killed 131XV
Two men who
ate the frog 132XV
Fruit (Rotoi ni Arite) 9XV
Fruit of Barringtonia
(Londoi wu) 42XV
Gaura 88XV
Girls splashing
(Gari Tinggilo) or
The shark
(Paewa Torohona) 76XV
Golden whistler (Wisi) 47XV
Gun (Kukuro) 93XV
Hada or
Eagle gathering
material for nest
(Hata Totorowato) 31XV
Oppossum´s feet
(Kikihuto) 32XV
Hata 120XV (deux personnes/two players)
Waiho 121XV
Hata´e Erere 30XV
Hato kaula or
Child always looking
for food on other
people´s table
(Wera makahi) 50XV
Hermit crab (Kizu) 18XV
Heron (Sombohala) 40XV
Hight stone
(Tinaberamasi or
Keni Maumauru) 3XV
His stone, or the
house of Pari
(Höuna) 73XV
House of the spirits
(Nwopa te ne) 109XV
Ivory nut (Faisao) or
Large tuna fish
(Roto ni röu) 42XV
Ivory nut (Sagaroito) 43XV
Kare 161XV (deux personnes/two players)
Keni Maumauru 4XV
Kind of tree
(Banui or Mani imoro) 5XV 17M06 49W
Manu 6XV
Leaves of a flower
(A´apei ni Teitari) 12XV
Lightning (Marangaia) 97XV
Lightning (Onga) 21XV 2M06
Lime gourd (Nato) 57XV
Loilove 127XV
Frog (Mbari) 127XV
Lake (Kolokolomiso 128XV
Stick (Gaingangari) 128XV
People (Vure) 129XV
Intestines (Kutu) 129XV
Leaves (Hara) 130XV
Ma´i or necklace
(Kome) 163XV
Men carrying stick
(Roke nioke keu) 68XV
Place of the men 68XV
Moon (Nepe) 1XV
Morning star
(Vetu Sindani or
Rato ma Hura) 33XV
Name of a fish
(Mauli) or
Long Tom
(Marore) 84XV
Nari kera 115XV
Neck loop trick 171XV
Net (nuvo or
Hata´e Erere) 29XV
New moon
(Nepe Myawa or
Matoba mai loki or
Tahi) 26XV 17J98 65XIV 45CI
Night and day
(Roto mana dangi) 121XV
Night 121XV
Day 122XV
Night, day and
the sun
(Redu, ravata, taunu) 123XV 47CI
Night 123XV
Day 124XV
Sun 125XV
Niu wala mini 22XV 98Y
No name 147XV (deux personnes/two players)
No name 154XV (deux personnes/two players)
Ogre (Ma´ima´ihunu) 166XV
Ogre(Porotoutouta'a) 84XV 96Y (Archives string figures)
21M00 Richard
(Darsie not working)
Legendary man
in the deep sea
(Porouruuurumatawa) 61XV 95Y
Old man chewing
(Pa´akomu) 55XV 24M06
Pack of dogs
(Tapani kui) 89XV
Paddle (Noea) 59XV
Papaya (Tambau) 19XV
Parani Oi 7XV
Pari making a basket
(Pari hao ma´i) 72XV
Pig (Foe) 114XV
Pigeon (Danoi Bedge) 28XV 3D04
Pool of water (Namu)
orTwo women cook
(Rua keni pi paa) 69XV 97Y 17D96
Pronged fish spear
(Marada) 97XV
Raise the eyebrows
(Simbelu) 24XV 13M06
Razor shell (Abwabo) or
Shell for shaving
(Aapo´aapo) 105XV
Red head swamp rail
(Piro) 93XV
Reef fish (Te manini) 147XV
Reefs (Bisi tanakao) 145XV
Reeking fire at
(Suna roro he marau) 49XV
Repi susuhe´u 65XV
Ribs of taro leaves
(Misi) 102XV
Rock sticking up
in air (Vat) 34XV
Rotoi rao piito 44XV
Ru or Almond
(Nari kera) 115XV
Shark (Toronii´a Pari) 86XV
Ship (Waka) 111XV ~Sailing canoe 12D99 19CI
Sisihiuke or
Seabird (Sisihu) 136XV
House of Sisihu 136XV
Canoe of Sisihu 137XV
Garden of Sisihu 138XV
Shell breast
of Sisihu 138XV
Sisihu´s creeper 139XV
Sisihu´s house 139XV
Sisihu himself 139XV
backside 140XV
Sisihu and his
dog disappear 140XV
Small Magpie
(Totokiri) 94XV
Small species of fish
(Neru) 16XV
Star (Niu or Uume) 1XV
Lavi 2XV
Star (Uume) 3XV
Stone for sharpening
knife (Ratiaha) 4XV
String figure for
one hand 169XV
Suhurimae dies
(Suhurimae) 79XV
Tahi 27XV
Tanga pija ningé 115XV
Tide (Nelo) 118XV 36GIII 26XI
Low tide (Nelo elo) 118XV
Hight tide
(Nelo lange) 118XV
Tree (Noano) 107XV
Turtle shell
(Tapon or Parani Oi) 6XV
Two duck (A´aranga) 25XV
Two hills at Kia
(Pia toa kia) 46XV
Two leaves
(Rua poera ni öi roke) 71XV
Two men cut a
horizontal beam
(Rua mane kahe oka) 66XV
They have both
finished the
(Kirarua ka ha´asikoa) 67XV
Vagina (Sira) 99XV
Wanuve mbomb 92XV
Water (Nue) 14XV
Woman showing
her backside
(Keni pupuae) 104XV
Wooden food bowl
(Daho) 106XV
Wrist loop trick 171XV
Crab (Ou´a) 162XV (deux personnes/two players)
Fire (Tunga apapala) 159XV (deux personnes/two players)
Neck loop trick 171XV
Wrist loop trick 171XV
Solomon Islands String Figures CHRISTA DE COPPET SIR RAYMOND FIRTH Honor Maude
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