Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

String Figures from all the World

  • Par isfa
  • Le 26/04/2013
  • Dans Livres
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Mis à jour/update     1/01/2012





Ambra                                         39Y
Appache door variante            138Y
Bier of the moslems                    26Y      HORNELL 1930
Big and the small
       sewing-mashine                   28Y

Bird´s nest                                   55Y         RONALD C. READ
Bracelet                                       86Y     DANIEL SUTHERLAND
Branched (Amwangiyo)                 108Y             4XVI
Broom                                          36Y
Bundle of Skulls
              (Bakabwi-n te tabanou)        104Y           46XIV
Burning oil-lamp                        79Y      (363 drawing/dessin) 35BISFA3
Butterfly I                                    42Y
Butterfly II                                  44Y
Candles                                        27Y      (248)  70JII  24P 16PA  136E
Crab                                             62Y          roth
Crab, Common                          134Y
Cripple                                         43Y
Crowd from natives, Big             85Y     DANIEL SUTHERLAND
Dead man killed by a spear        82Y      G.A.V.STANLEY
Demaibura (the name of a woman)   109Y           80XVI
Doorway of the sun,
   doorway of the moon                25Y
Egattamma (The name of a woman)  112Y          121XVI      (368 drawing/dessin)
Fawns, Two                                   72Y         D. JENNESS  ARTIC 62
Fish net torn by polar bears        74Y        19M99   163BISFA6 ARTIC 50
Flock of Kingfishers
     (Te kau nga sikotara)                     90Y           50XII   12J96
Fog bank                                      126Y        ANDERSEN
Gorge of the Sambesi
                (African river)               40Y    HORNELL MOMA
Hexagon of Pascal                       139Y
Hexagons, Two                            141Y
Honey                                             54Y
Honor Maude                              137Y   VARIANTE erweiterung
Kangaroo-track                           84Y     DANIEL SUTHERLAND
Kidneys with fat of
                the kidneys                    66Y          T. T. PATERSON
Kuha and Kati                            119Y         OLAF BLIXEN
Land tortoise                                 33Y
Legs of two Curlews
                      (Aro nanan akiwoe)         111Y          140XVI
Lemmings, Two                            69Y          D. JENESSS ARTIC 72??
Leopardskin                                 34Y
Man and woman                          30Y     E.E. EVANS PRITCHARD
Mask                                            131Y
Matt for the bed                           31Y    HORNELL 1938/39
Maui-brothers, Four                124Y        ANDERSEN
Milky way (Kau tukeniva I)          91Y   26XII
Moon                                             53Y           (archives string figures)
Moon and two stars                     99Y
Moon over a berg                      132Y
Mountain Sheep, Two                 67Y          D. JENESSS  ARTIC 60, 61
Natives,  Four                              83Y      (376 drawing/dessin)   204E   (Darsie)
Navels, with umbilical cord
         (Ewarenubwi)      107Y           74XVI
Net (Kau kupenga I)                          94Y            23XII

Night                                           116Y       7D97-5I 78R /79R
                                                                      (373 drawing/dessin) 40GIII 197E
 ~Face mask  6D00  ~Fire  23S00
      Twinkling star                     117Y         80R  11D97-9I  (373drawing/dessin)

Night clouds and daylight          56Y          roth
Niu wala mini                              98Y            22XV
Ogre (Porotoutouta'a)                96Y           84XV  21M00 (Archives string figures)
 (Darsie not working)
Ogre or man-eater
 (Porouruuurumatawa)                       95Y           61XV
Owl                                                             130Y
Owl´s net                                     45Y
Path to darkness
     (Ara ki te popouri)                         93Y           42XII
Patterned like a mat (Itubwer I)    110Y         130XVI* (163XVI* remarque)
 (368 drawing/dessin)
Peace of wood or board of
    wood to make your
            forehead smooth,
           to smoothen or
       polish your forehead           61Y
Pleiades                                       52Y     (56)-(Darsie) /Pleiades    56XVI
Plinthius                                      24Y      HORNELL 1931
Ponds with bridges, Two         136Y     NAURU RECONSTRUIT
Pool of water (Namu) or
   Two women cook cabbage
     (Rua keni pi paa)      97Y            69XV   17D96
Praying mantis                           63Y ~ 163BISFA9      16S02
PTARMIGANS, TWO               76Y       16J96   (365 drawing/dessin)
                    47BISFA3    62TII
                           49Q  90BISFA6
Quebracho tree                          58Y
Rats on one
     Trunk (trunk((tribe)), Two  77Y       D. JENNESS
Sacred circle                              48Y  2/11
                                                  ~Andromeda galaxy  17S96-75I
Seine, small (Te kibena)              102Y    40XIV 288BISFA7 (drawing/dessin)
Six eyes                                       32Y     HORNELL 1928
Small Seagulls, Two                  73Y         D. JENNESS  ARTIC 63
Spirit of the Lake                      70Y         D. JENNESS   ARTIC 35??
Squirrels, two                            46Y      (Darsie)
Star                                           118Y       DICKEY
Stars of the Itai leaves
   and their four house,
        two (Uoman Itoi ni ba-n
               itai ma umaia aika aua)        105Y            73XIV
Storm clouds                              47Y    (236)
Sun between two clouds             60Y            roth
Sun of Maui  (Hana o Maui)           120Y  83XIII
Ten tabika te kan-ni                 106Y          135XIV
TRIGGER FISH                         87Y    (96)  (Darsie)  58Q
Tunnel                                        129Y
Turtle                                         133Y
Venus                                          123Y        ANDERSEN
Ways of Tafai,  Many                122Y       27D
Yamano-Tunnel                         128Y

Running car (without step 24)
Origami to astonish and amuse
by Jeremy Shaffer
St. Martin´s Press 2001
(voir ici pour un autre modèle de Jeremy Shaffer)


String Figures from all the World FELIX R. PATURI

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