String Figures from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Zanzibar
update/Mis à jour 15/10/2008
27 figures
Bench (Kantzkira) 95WI (no drawing)
Boat (Blagbe) 109WI
Raft (Tamgba) 110WI
Paddling boat
(Bli-Bli Ton) 111WI
Coconut palm
(Mnazi) 113WI
Coffin (Kugbatia) 104WI
Draughts boards
(Kabunka) 97WI
Draw-net (Tumui) 92WI (no drawing)
Drum (Fanta) 94WI (no drawing) 88WI
Drum, Little
(Ndopo Vanggi) 88WI (no drawing) 94WI
Drum, Short (Bili gutu) 87WI
Eye, One (Gama Yela) 90WI (no drawing)
Eyes, Four
(Gama nani) 91WI (24)
Eyes, Two (Gama Fila) 90WI
Eyes, Two
(Efor Yaran)
Second form 96WI
Eyes, Two (Gyi-Son)
Simple form 105WI
Eyes, Two (Gyi-Son)
distinctive Kru form 106WI
Eyes, Four (Gyi-Nya)
distinctive Kru form 106WI
Eyes, Six
(Efor Tamthrukin)
Second form 95WI
Fish-trap (Dosi) 92WI
Fishing net (Mboma) 89WI 97WI
Fishing net trick
(Pel-le Sokot) 99WI (no drawing)
Fowl´s Anus
(Te lo bume) 85WI
Fowl´s Anus
(Kag Boti-Boti) 93WI (no drawing)
Fowl´s Feet
(Koerdo Gerto) 101WI (no drawing)
Hammock (Tenta) 97WI (no drawing) 89WI
Hammock (Machera) 113WI
Hand-net (Hanti pel) 98WI
Heads, Two
(Bolthitting??) 100WI
Hut, Round (Kikiwé) 88WI
Magic or trick
(Sokot) 100WI (no drawing)
Plant-beds (Moma) 103WI
Paddle (Tipen) 107WI
Bullock´s face
(Bli-Juba) 108WI
Paw, The tiger´s
(Bakwa Giwa) 108WI (no drawing)
Pull string from
hand (Kadjulu
Labo Ibolado) 102WI (no drawing)
Rice-mortar (Kadir) 94WI (no drawing)
Rice-mortar pestle
(Karump) second form 94WI (no drawing)
(Karump) 94WI (no drawing)
See-saw (Sisa) 93WI (no drawing)
Saw (Ngende) 85WI (no drawing)
Saw (Sumeno) 112WI
Stern, Boat´s
(Saio Bil) 95WI
String tied and
(Di Bagdi Sagbi) 102WI (no drawing)
Tied strings (Angeyé) 86WI
"Turn over"
(Chellaba) 104WI
"Trousers" 103WI (no drawing)
String Figures from Sierra Leone Liberia and Zanzibar James Hornell
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