String Figures from the Gilbert Islands
(maintenant, now: KIRIBATI)
H.C. and H.E. MAUDE
Memoirs of the Polynesian Society, N° 13
Voir aussi ici
update/MIS A JOUR 29/06/2012
verifié jusqu´à p60
(Aia mataroa man) 81XIV
(Aia maniba man) 82XIV
Basket (Te baene) 129XIV (85) 36GII 53B (Eric)
(Darsie Not working) 56Q 20T
34XI 20W
Richard 76D
(see/voir ici/here)
/Gated well76E
/Gated well 173E
Bay or gulf
(Te manoku) 88XIV
Bird, Land
(Te kabanei) 47XIV
Bo kabenga 147XIV 47ST 22D01
Breast of the
Mankiri bird
(Uba-n te mangkiri) 93XIV
Rabatana 94XIV
Brood of ghosts
(Bu´n anti) 45XIV
Bones of the Kingfish
(Ri baara I) 43XIV
Bones of the Kingfish
(Ri baara II) 44XIV
Bundle of Skulls
(Bakabwi-n te tabanou) 46XIV 104Y
Buried corpse
(Te mate ae taunaki) 91XIV
Canoe shed
(Te bareaka I) 132XIV 25XVI* 3XVI 21XII
Canoe shed
(Te bareaka II) 133XIV
Thatch (Te rau) 134XIV ~53 Handy?
Canoe with its Sail
(Te Wa Ma Ie-Na) 66XIV 185E (Darsie not working)PAS MASTS
Catch the kingfish
(Kabae baara) 75XIV
Catching kingfish
(Kabaebae baara) 149XIV
Catching kingfish
(Kabaebae baara) 111XIV 14CI 10M97-37I Richard
Head of the
Hanging Down
(Na Atu Ni Kun I-Nano) 112XIV (Darsie not working)Richard
Head of the
Sandsnipe Erect
(Na Atu Ni Kun I-Eta) 112XIV (Darsie not working) Richard
Flight of the
(Kani mumun) 113XIV Richard
Head of the
from below
(Na atu ni kun
mai-nano) 113XIV
Kaimanga the
(Variation II:
Kaimanga te tei) 113XIV
Turtles ponds
(Variation III:
Neinei-n tabakea) 114XIV
Centipede's House
(Uma-n Na Roata) 68XIV (Darsie not working,
not good explanations)
Centipede (Te roata) 105XIV 59B? (253)? 19W?
Two centipedes
(Uoman na roata) 106XIV
Centipede's well
(Aia maniba roata) 86XIV
Clam shell
(Te aubunga) 83XIV
Complete canoe
(Te wa e a tia) 131XIV 20-1W? ~90-1 Handy
Crab, Mr
(Nei ni kauki) 153XIV 44Handy? 119-20Dickey?
(Kani beka) 152XIV (Darsie not working) Richard
Dragonfly, Mr
(Na keketi) 87XIV
Dragonfly, two
(Uoman ni keketi) 66XIV 205E
Drawers of water
(Tan iti ran) 85XIV
Dying man
(Kan ni mate) 64XIV
Ears of a Jelly-fish
(Taninga-n nouaia) 51XIV
Eyes of Ntongo
(Mata-n Ntongo) 53XIV 156BISFA3
(Te kai-n-roa) 31XIV
Five wells
(Nimaua ni maniba) 77XIV
Flight of the
(Kani mumun) 22XIV (Darsie not working)
186E ~(176)?
Flocks of birds
(Naa-ni man I) 60XIV (146)?
Flocks of birds
(Naa-ni man II) 61XIV
Flocks of birds
(Naa-ni man III) 61XIV JAYNE 176 ?
Flocks of birds
(Naa-ni man IV) 61XIV
Flocks of birds
(Naa-ni man V) 62XIV
Flocks of birds
(Naa-ni man VI) 62XIV
Flocks of birds
(Naa-ni man VII) 63XIV
Flocks of birds
(Naa-ni man VIII) 63XIV
Ghost (Te anti) 143XIV
Gulf of Mexico
(Te manoku ni Metiko) 65XIV 17J98 26XV 45CI
Heap of thatch in
(Te borau uatao) 94XIV
Four wells 95XIV
House (Te Bata) 38XIV
Jumping (Kan tebe) 144XIV 2S06
Jumping off
(Kan tebe nako I) 145XIV 5S06
Jumping off
(Kan tebe nako II) 145XIV
Kani bikou 58XIV
Kai-n wa-n na
morereke series 21XIV
Mr. Umake
(Na Umake ) 21XIV
Sleeping (Kani matu) 21XIV
Turning over
(Kan rairaki) 22XIV
Kantie series 118XIV
Swinging below
(Kantie i-nano) 118XIV Richard
Swinging above
(Kantie i-eta) 119XIV
Continuation of
te ba-auriaria 119XIV
Keel of the canoe
(Kabi-ni wa) 130XIV
Kingfish (Te baara) 150XIV (deux personnes/two players)
King´s throne
(Bao-n te uea) 129XIV 183E 16M99 Richard
(Darsie not working) 43X
137BISFA3 (Eric)
(Te kai-n tamarake) 29XIV 26XVI* 4XVI Richard
Land bird (Te kabanei) 46XIV
Leaves, Four "Itai"
(Aua ni ba-n itai) 39XIV
Leaves of the
(Ba ni mai) 102XIV (150)? 67W? ~70W?
67 et 29 Handy?
Two stingray
(Uoman ni baiku) 103XIV (156)?
Its followers
(Taritari-na) 104XIV
Male genitals
(Nakabanga) 89XIV
Meeting house
(Te maneaba) 142XIV (200-4)? ~147-8 Dickey?
~48-9 Handy? 155BISFA3
Moon(Namakaina I) 90XIV 9D99
Moon (Namakaina II) 102XIV ~(58)?
Name unknown 92XIV
Rabatana 92XIV
Nei ntakea
(Name of a woman) 74XIV
Netting container
for coconut-
shell bottle
(Teibu te tatai) 99XVI
Striped fingers
(Tabonibai maerere) 100XIV
Neuneuri I 107XIV
Its well (Manibana) 107XIV
Three Riango
(Tenua-n Reiango) 108XIV
Neuneuri II 108 XIV ~36W?
Neuneuri bo 109XIV
Neuneuri te
rang 109XIV
No name given 149XIV (340)?
Opening up with
much blowing?
(Kanukia ae e bati
ukakina) 146XIV
Palm of the hand
(Te nano-ni bai I) 54XIV ~74W?
Palm of the hand
(Te nano-ni bai II) 54XIV
Parting (Kan raure) 52XIV
Paths to the well
(Kawai-n te maniba) 28XIV ~19Handy?
Paths to the well of
Nei Iku (Kawai-n ana
maniba nei iku) 32XIV 18D04
Pig´s fence (O´n te beke) 40XIV
Pillars of the Sun
(Boua-n nei taai) 50XIV (Darsie pas bon /not working)
cliquer ici/click here
(Britt not working libérer 2
avant caroline extension!
Pleiades (Nei auti) 56XIV /Pleiades 52Y (56)
(Darsie not working)
à verifier
Pregnancy of a
slave or
crazy person..or
an abnormal
(Kani bikou te rang) 58XIV 15XIV (Darsie not working)
Ribs (Ri ni kaokao) 42XIV
Ribs of the canoe
(Na aiai) 88XIV
Ring trick 155XIV (deux personnes/two players)
Ri ni kua series 115XIV
Bones of the
(Ri ni bakoa) 115XIV 157BISFA3
Wings of the
"Io", or noddy
(Tabonibai ni kan-io) 115XIV
Bones of the
(Ri ni kua) 116XIV
Kaomatana 116XIV
Comet (Te wenei) 117XIV
Star (Te itoi) 117XIV
Seine, small (Te kibena) 40XIV 102Y
Seven wells
(Itua ni maniba) 78XIV
Species of crab
(Te ntabena) 151XIV (deux personnes/two players)
Spider, Mr (Na areau 110XIV 185E
Na Areau´s body
(Rabata-n areau) 110XIV
Spoon (Te kai ni moi) 96XIV
Rabatana 97XIV
Star of the Itai leaves
(Te Itoi ni ba-n itai) 68XIV
Star of the Itai
leaves, two (Uoman
Te Itoi ni ba-n itai) 69XIV
Stars of the Itai
leaves, three
(Teniman Itoi ni ba-n itai) 70XIV
Stars of the Itai
leaves, four
(Aman Itoi ni ba-n itai) 71XIV
Stars of the Itai
leaves and
their well, four
(Aman Itoi ni ba-n
itai ma aia maniba) 71XIV 62GIII
Star of the Itai
leaves and his house
(Temana TeItoi ni ba-n
itai ma umana) 72XIV
Star of the Itai leaves
and his two houses
(Temana TeItoi ni
ba-n itai ma
umana aika uoua) 73XIV
Stars of the Itai
leaves and their
four house, two
(Uoman Itoi ni ba-n
itai ma umaia aika aua) 73XIV 105Y
String figures of
the people of
(Tai-n i mMatang) 59XIV
String of cowrie
(Te itua ni bure I) 48XIV
String of cowrie
(Te itua ni bure II) 49XIV
String of "Rereba"
(Te itua n rereba) 76XIV
Sun (Taai I) 27XIV 153BISFA3
Sun (Taai II) 101XIV
Moon (Namakaina II) 102XIV
Swarm of ants
(Bu ni kinongo) 80XIV
shooting star
(Karere wenei) 20XIV
Taai tebubua series 125XIV
Hundred suns
(Taai tebubua I) 125XIV
Taai tebubua II 126XIV
Taai tebubua III 127XIV ~34-5BDickey?
Taningga-n te
kimoa series 120XIV
Rat´s ears
(Taninga-n te
kimoa) 120XIV Richard ~66-7 HANDY?
Completion of
the rat´s ears
(Extension I:
Rabata-n taninga-n
te kimoa) 121XIV Richard
Akinran´s two
wells, Mr
(Extension II Uoua
ana maniba na
akinran) 122XIV
Extension III:
unnamed 123XIV ~(167-175)
Extension IV:
Te babarati 124XIV
Tei itu ma te kaeko 24XIV
Ten tabika te kan-ni 135XIV 106Y
Te taba 136XIV (deux personnes/two players)
46-7 Handy? 50-4W?
from above
(Kan tie i-eta) 136XIV
(Kan tebo) 137XIV
You poke him
in his eyes
(Ko tiki matana) 138XIV
Kan rairake 139XIV
Te taba 140XIV
Child (Te nati) 141XIV
Throat of the tiger
(Bua-n te rokea) 67XIV 4/12
Throat of the
(Bua-n nei kiriwe) 134XI ~91-2Handy?
Ten tabika
te kan-ni 135XIV
Trick 155XIV
Tuatiri 128XIV
Tune tune 153XIV 11S06 164E
Naubwebwe 154XIV
Tune tune 154XIV
Na umake 154XIV
Tune tune 155XIV
Kabane bai 155XIV
Tune tune 155XIV
Ubwebwe with the
ends tied
(Na ubwebwe e a
bae bukia) 79XIV
Umake the Elder
(Na Umake te Ikawai) 57XIV (233)? a verifier
(Darsie pas bien)
cliquer ici 13XIV 25W?
Vanquished groups
in flight, two
(Kani mumun ake uoua) 84XIV
Wailing over the
(Te tangi-ni-wenei) 25XIV
Wall of a "Bwerei"
(O´n te bwerei) 44XIV
Wanting to open
(Kanukia) 98XIV ~49W? ~11Handy?
Three itai fruits
(Tenua-n ua-n itai) 99XIV
Wau or Taiani
tai series 12XIV ~54W-60W?
Ubwebwe, Mr
(Na Ubwebwe) 12XIV (260)? ~43Handy?
Umake the Elder
(Na Umake te Ikawai) 13XIV 57XIV (Darsie not working)??
Using the whole
(Kabane Bai) 14XIV
Poke in the Eyes
(Buti mata) 14XIV
Pregnancy of a
slave or
crazy person..or
an abnormal
(Kani bikou te rang) 15XIV 58XVI (Darsie not working)
Umake the
(Na Umake te ataei) 15XIV
Swinging (Kan tie) 16XIV
Na ubwebwe 16XIV
Normal pregnancy
or pregnancy
of a freeman
(Kani bikou te aomata) 17XIV
(Na Ubwebwe) 17XIV
Umake the Elder
(Na Umake te Ikawai) 17 XIV ~25W ?
Making use of the
whole hand
(Kabane Bai) 18XIV
Poke in the Eyes
(Buti mata) 18XIV
Pregnancy of a
slave or
crazy person..or
an abnormal
(Kani bikou te rang) 19XIV
Umake the Younger
(Na Umake te ataei) 19XIV
Swinging (Kan tie) 20XIV
Well, one
(Teuana ni maniba) 29XIV
Wells, Three
(Teuana ni maniba I)
First method 34XIV
Wells, Three
(Teuana ni maniba II)
Second method 35XIV 23XII 24XVI*
2XVI 4S04
Wells, Three
(Teuana ni maniba III) 36XIV
Wells, Two
(Uoua ni maniba I) 37XIV 23XVI* 1XVI
Wings of the "io",
or noddy
(Tabonibai ni kan-io) 25XIV
Wooden bowl
(Na kumete) 80XIV
Bo kabenga 147XIV 22D01
Catching kingfish
(Kabaebae baara) 149XIV
Kingfish (Te baara) 150XIV (deux personnes/two players)
No name given 149XIV
Ring trick 155XIV (deux personnes/two players)
Species of crab
(Te ntabena) 152XIV (deux personnes/two players)
Trick 155XIV
(The New Origami de Biddle Steve and Megumi)
String Figures from the Gilbert Islands H.C. and H.E. MAUDE
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