String Figures of Papua New Guinea
arm shell (mabuo) (Darsie not working) Richard
update/Mis à jour 17/03/2012
133 strings figures
metterebasedonnes +pages
Armlet 107CI
Ashes (Left after the fire) 122CI 16CII 169BISFA14
Axe, Mount Hagen 149CI
Baby (Asura) 32CI
Baby (Asura II) 55CI 3S03 two players
Bags, String (Bilum) 183CI très longue ficelle
Bananas, Ripe 97CI
Basket 108CI
Bean roots 149CI
Betelnuts (Seurat) 13CI
Betelnuts (a second method) 142CI
Bird (Hornbill) 109CI
Bird droppings 34CI
Bird of Paradise 180CI avec pied/with feet
Bird of Paradise (Roko) 98CI avec pied/with feet
Bird, Sea (Em) 118CI
~ Flying fox (Uihe) 135CI
Bird, Small (Esau) 119CI
Bird trap 2 127CI
Birds, Fight of small 74CI
Bokis, Black 153CI
Bottle cut 185CI
two players not for the figure
Boy meets girl 177CI
~Kiss, The 22M01
Breast, Old woman´s 23CI
Breast, Young girl´s
(Susu Bilong Youngpela
Meri) 159CI PAS FAIT
Bridge 147CI
Bridge 189CI Jayne p229 similar
Canoe with sail (Eaha) 19CI 12D99
~Ship (Waka) 111XV
Cassowary (Umaha) 82CI avec pied/with feet
Cassowary (Muruk) 164CI avec pied/with feet
Cassowary, Baby 152CI
Cassowary, Gutting the 153CI
Cassowary and chicks 14CI two persons
111XIV 10M97-37I Richard
Cell, Making
(Working Baram) 161CI
Cockatoo, White (Sasa) 35CI
Cuscus (a small mammal) 54CI
Cuscus (Sangera) 87CI
= porker murray opening
Dancing 137CI murray opening
Dancing (Ja´va) 38CI avec pied/with feet
Dog 148CI two players
Dog and Wallaby chase 81CI
Door 178CI
Drum as using in dancing
(Chaga) 18CI two players
Drum II, Kundu (Chaga) 68CI
Echo or imitation (Imite) 80CI VOIR P61 Kw +
Echo or imitation (Imite)
second method 81CI
Eel 51CI two players
two loops
~Jayne house p200
Feathers for dancing 112CI +
Fire (Vena) 22CI + 26GII
Two players, not for the figure
~ Fire variation (Vena II) 62CI
7BISFA8 drawing
Bird trap I 127CI + Two players, not for the figure
Fire, Making 148CI +
Firewood 181CI + 13CII
Flying fox (Javia Taha) 75CI two players
Flying foxes (Kahine) 142CI 17CII
Flying fox (Uihe) 135CI avec pied/with feet
~Bird, Sea (Em) 118CI
Food 164CI two players
Taro 164CI
Yam 165CI
Pit-pit 165CI
Sugar cane 166CI
Frame, Cane dancing 160CI
Frog 185CI avec pied/with feet
Frog 158CI
Frog (Sapanama) 63CI 78ST avec pied/with feet
Frog, Jumping (Sapanama) 46CI avec pied/with feet
Fruit, Red pandanus (Omara) 132CI
Ginger 184CI
Hand, Bamboo cutting
(Malolo) 88CI 8CII two players
Hand, Bamboo cutting
(Malolo, variation) 89CI 9CII two players
Hen, Bush (Tiabe) 28CI + moyenne ficelle
Looking for eggs 29CI (for two players)
House 106CI
House 172CI 6M02
House, Single boy´s
(Kisiva Ara) 52CI
House, Yam 174CI
Hungry, I am 187CI
Insect, Black palm (Sasi) 129CI
Insect that lives in among
the black palm trees
(Anamura) 33CI
SIMI TO Haddon (EEL)
Imite, Variation 131CI
Ja´ai 123CI
Japanese men 151CI
Jellyfish 179CI avec pied/with feet
Kua (Making vegetables ready,
such as Pit-pit) 93CI two players
Language, Bad (Queijesa) 113CI two players
avec pied/with feet
Lightning 171CI VOIR LOOK
Masurah (Nose paint used in
traditional dancing) 69CI
Men, Fighting 63CI
Men and the sea, Two 162CI
Moon (Masapa) 65CI longue ficelle
~ Pines trees (Mujia) 68CI
Moon (Sakara) 128CI
Mosquito 170CI
Mother 150CI
Neck release 105CI (339) 157L 62XI 33ST
139BISFA6 30Q 33E
10M01 (Eric) 184BISFA8
Net for catching pig (Namea) 90CI two loops
No name know 16CI
~Border between two countries
~ Jayne p 176 (no name)
Nuts, Okari (Makam) 143CI murray opening
One stone, two stones 101CI
Paddle 155CI
Pattern 167CI avec pied/with feet
Pattern, Another Daga 169CI
People doing something, Two 135CI avec pied/with feet
Pig 145CI With knee
Pig (Maha) 36CI pig or fig ?
Pig (Maha) 40CI
Pigs 150CI
Pigs, Two (No´ho Maha) 37CI
Pukaha (Bone that fits through
pierce nose) 71CI
Pumpkin 156CI
Rat 99CI
Scraping coconut 188CI
Shame 167CI avec bouche long string
Smallhouse (outside toilets) 45CI +
17J9865XIV 26XV
Snake 182CI très longue ficelle
Snake (Tampara) 42CI
Snake (Tampara II) 62CI
Snake, Another 173CI
Stars, Three 187CI
Stars, Two 186CI
Star variation 111CI
Stone (Whole and broken) 140CI
Tarera (tree) 11CI 7BISFA8 drawing
Thunders and lightning 77CI 24CII
Tapa cloth, Man´s 115CI 25CII (the first figure)
Taro, Making 170CI two players
Tia Koro Koro 47CI 123XV
Moon and two stars 103CI
Tia Koro Koro, Variation 50CI 185BISFA14
Tree, Flowering
(Irata Uarama) 176CI
Tree rat (Ichura) 24CI
Trick, Another 139CI murray opening69GIII
Trick, Hula 178CI avec pied/with feet
Trick, String 138CI
Uka Ma´u´ua (little bird) 91CI avec pied/with feet
W pattern 15CI Richard JAYNE
Sick man 168CI voir site pour erreur
(Darsie not working) Richard
Shrimp 183CI
Wallaby 131CI
Wallaby (wallaby hops) 188CI
Water 141CI 4. WRIST LOOP!
Waves of the sea 184CI
Well for cooking fat 127CI
Woman carrying two string
bags (Bara siki kamui
ino kiroke) 116CI avec pied/with feet
Zissoci (corruption of Scissors) 41CI
Bottle cut 185CI two players not for the figure
Hand, Bamboo cutting
(Malolo) 88CI 8CII two players
Hand, Bamboo cutting
(Malolo, variation) 89CI 9CII two players
Neck release 105CI (339) 157L 62XI 33ST
139BISFA6 30Q 33E
10M01 (Eric) 184BISFA8
One stone, two stones 101CI
Trick, Another 139CI 69GIII
Trick, Hula 178CI
Trick, String 138CI
String Figures of Papua New Guinea Philip Noble
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