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Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

String Games are more!: String Figures to play and stories to tell

  • Par isfa
  • Le 26/04/2013
  • Dans Livres
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(Fadenspielen sind mehr!: Fadenfiguren spilen

und Geschichten erzählen)


Kallmeyer, Seelze

136 pages



avec ficelle/with string






   update/mis à jour   19/05/2011

      28 FIGURES


    Bridge over
         the river              73YI
    Buttonhole               83YI
    Candle thief             39YI                        (248)  70JII
 24P 16PA
                136E  36Q 74TII
    castle                       51YI


    Circus tent      84YI
(371 DESSIN/drawing)




    Cup and saucer
                    (series)     20YI               31E  5JI  12F  26N
 244V  119VI   14GI
        (Hilard) (Britt not working)
        Sailing ship          23YI
        Lighthouse           23YI
        Hanger                 23YI

    Dragon                     67YI
    Egg                           62YI
    Fish                           35YI                        11J00     98R
    Flea that jump
        from one finger
                  to another  98YI

    Fleas, Two               96YI
        Family´s fleas      97YI

    House of
       Nikolaus               24YI             356BISFA7
    Lasso                       31YI
    Moon over the
                  (don´t click)       57YI
    Palace                      76YI
    Pearl Necklace        27YI              (339) 157L  62XI
  139BISFA6   30Q   33E
  184BISFA8 27YI
  10M01  (Eric)   105CI

    Sand flea,
       Trained               72YI              5M98-104K 18 (AXEL) 21ST
    Sewing machine      80YI                8D96-70I
     190BISFA4(an alternative method)
    Star                          89YI                  ~ Half-second star 331BISFA8
    Star, Shooting         92YI              224BISFA4   17BSFA8
    Thumb escape         53YI             Lifu trick  10S97 ??
    Train                        45YI              (340)  17P  9PA  28JII
         144H  256U 95Z
 147C  61XI
            49B-(Hilard)   44E
  26GI    30GI*
      23Q (with stories)
         79BISFA3   177BISFA7
          138BISFA6  (story)
      (Eric) 187BISFA8
    Trains, Two             48YI                      46E
    Witch´house            54YI                  126E     (361)  143L
               60JII  46B  29N (Eric)
     28GI  50BISFA3  52Q
   17T    84BISFA6
        ~Tug-of war with
    a stick    551Z
                   (two players, not for the figure;
         with a stick)
  /Tangarot   159E
 53Q  (Eric)



    Tours de ficelles /TRICKS

       Thumb escape         53YI           Lifu trick  10S97 ??
    Train                        45YI              (340)  17P  9PA  28JII
  144H  256U 95Z
 147C  61XI
  49B-(Hilard)   44E
 26GI    30GI*
 23Q (with stories)
  79BISFA3    177BISFA7
     138BISFA6  (story)
         (Eric) 187BISFA8
    Trains, Two              48YI                    46E

String Games are more!: String Figures to play and stories to tell LOTHAR WALSCHIK (ABOINUDI)

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