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Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

String Stories A Creative, Hands-On Approach for Engaging Children in Literature

  • Par isfa
  • Le 05/05/2013
  • Dans Livres
  • 0 commentaire

by Belinda Holbrook

     Published by
Linworth Publishing, Worthington, Ohio.
     288 pages


     update/mis à jour 7/09/2010


       19 histoires/Stories

African Bat by Valerie Baadh                   40

Anansi the Spider as told
                         by Barbara Schutzgruber           54

Balloon by Dorothy Gruber                      21

Cat and the Mice,
                  an Aesop's fable
              (as suggested by Gwyn Calvetti)
        which uses
a string series collected
                                            by Axel Reichert        37

Clown King; a cat´s cradle tale
                                            by Audrey Small        35

Cow, My , original string series
                                           by Axel Reichert         32

         Crocodile eyes                                11

        Cut your hand                                19

Drum, Navajo,
            a figure  collected by Will Wirt                 7

Going Fishing by Brian Cox                     105

Jack and the Beanstalk,
         David Novak's Rhyme and String version    124

        Jacob´s ladder or the Bridge             9
         Eiffel Tower                                     10
         Witch´s hat                                       10
         Grandpa´s pants                              10

Leprechaun (lutin) by Crystal Brown        85

         Mother and the Ogre
                                          by Crystal Brown           94

Mountains and the sun or moon
                     a figure collected by Dave Titus    14

Mouse Family by Norma J. Livo                 26

Old Man Coyote and the Little
              Rabbit by Esther Martinez                29

Orange Mouse by Audrey Small                   30

Park by Crystal Brown                                     71

         Sardines, A traditional tale             42

Saving the Princess by Philip Noble
                     with additions by Udo Engelhardt
a figure collected by  A. Johnston Abraham     24

       Sewing machine , a figure collected
                                        by H.R. Haefelfinger           8

        Skunk, Striped , a figure collected
                          by Raul Martinez-Crovetto            12

       Tallow Dips,  A traditional tale         50

Totanguak by Margareth Read MacDonald     45

        Witch´s broom or Fish spear              6

Women, Two Old  as shared by Dave Titus   64 104BISFA6  16J00  64K 57S

voir ici une autre histoire utilisant la même figure

voir ici une autre histoire utilisant la même figure

   Voici un très livre très intéressant mais les photos
   seraient plus claires si elles étaient aggrandies.


String Stories A Creative Hands-On Approach for Engaging Children in Literature

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