Tikopia String Figures
Royal Anthropological Institute
of Great Britain and Ireland
London 1970
64 pages
update/Mis à jour 20/02/2010
Bonito (Foi atu) 19XII
Bowl (Kumete) 39XII
Canoe shed (Te aforau) 48XII
Caterpillars, two
(Unufe e rua) 46XII
Coconuts, three 21XII 25XVI* 3XVI 132XIV 15D04
Fetaka 61XII
Fifisuka 33XII
Flock of Kingfishers
(Te kau nga sikotara) 50XII (deux personnes/two players)
~ 90Y 12J96
Foi nupu Pu
Taumako 18XII
Game invented
by Pa Tekofe
(Takaro Pa Tekofe) 47XII
Game of parting
(Takaro mavae) 30XII
Game of the spirits
(Takaro sa runga) 46XII
Game worked at one
end (Takaro pena
potutasi) 37XII
Giant staff
(Te utokotoko) 45XII
Kai poloki 63XII
155L (Eric)
~Kai poloki 63XII
~Uö Lemadren 2XI
/Sunfish 165E
Kaunga tete 21XII
Kaunga tete II 21XII
Kaunga tete maori 39XII
Kume 62XII
Manini a rongo 31XII
Milky way
(Kau tukeniva I) 26XII
Milky way
(Kau tukeniva II) 26XII
Milky way
(Kau tukeniva III) 27XII
Milky way
(Kau tukeniva IV) 27XII
Milky way
(Kau tukeniva V) 28XII (deux personnes/two players)
Milky way
(Kau tukeniva VI) 29XII
Net (Kau kupenga I) 23XII
Net (Kau kupenga II) 24XII
Net (Kau kupenga III) 25XII
Net (Kau kupenga IV) 25XII
Path to darkness
(Ara ki te popouri) 42XII BISFA5
Pigeon´s perch
(Turangan a rupe) 38XII
Pool (Foi nutu) 18XII
Pupu ma singano
or sauma angi 40XII (Darsie not working) Richard
Pupunga moana 31XII
Rauakeva 43XII
Raukape I 34XII 11XI (150)-(Darsie not working)
7XIII 14X 45W Richard
42S (Eric)
/Ten men 200E
Raukape II 41XII (Darsie not working) Richard
Raunisikeo 35XII
Reef fish, small
(Manini I) 29XII
Reef fish, small
(Manini II) 29XII
Reef fish, small
(Manini III) 53XII 49XI (deux personnes/two players)
Figure 48a 53XII 49XI
Grasshopper (Moa) 53XII 50XI
Kolao 53XII 51XI
Tale of a single
night 54XII 51XI
Figure 48d 54XII 52XI
Figure 48e 54XII
Moon (Marama) 55XII 52XI
Taro 55XII 52XI
Manini 55XII 52XI
Reef fish, small
(Manini from Marama) 56XII (deux personnes/two players)
Spirit´s legs (Vae atua) 35XII
Figure 32a 35XII 30XI
Figure 32b 36XII 31XI
Figure 32c 36XII
Figure 32d 35XII
Spring of one mouth
for aqueduct
(Vai ngutu tasi fai ofa I) 23XII
Spring of one mouth
for aqueduct
(Vai ngutu tasi fai ofa II) 23XII 24XVI* 2XVI
35XIV 4S04
Spring of two mouths
(Vai ngutu rua) 19XII
Spring of three
(Vai ngutu toru I) 20XII
Spring of three
(Vai ngutu toru II) 20XII
Spring of seven
(Vai ngutu fitu or
Rau ngutu fitu) 22XII
Tere i tane 32XII
Ti tasi 59XII (deux personnes/two players)
Voir ici une variation
Tofa i a marama 57XII (deux personnes/two players)
Turtle (Fonu) 49XII (deux personnes/two players)
Fetaka 61XII
Kai poloki 63XII
Kume 62XII
Tikopia String Figures RAYMOND FIRTH Honor Maude
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