Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés

Caledonian Dance


Caledonian Dance
(Lu Anyin Hou Mak)


     A. 1 and 2 grasp a short
          segment of the loop.
          A short segment must to
          pass between the hands.

         Pass the right half of
          the segment, in front of
          the left half to form
          a small hanging loop ....
          Introduce 2, toward you,
          in the small hanging loop .

          Straighten 2
          Release 1.
          Extend to absorb the big
          hanging loop.

          You have now two loops
          on 2.
          The near strings are
          parallels and the far
          strings are crossing

          This movement is known as
          "Murray opening".

     B. L1 and L345 remove
          from below lower L2.

     C. L345 enter, from below,
          into L2, while R345 enter,
          from below, into the R2
          two loops.

          You have a loop on L2345,
          two on R2345, and one on
          the L wrist.

     D. Rotate LH three times
          away from you,  above
          the wrist´s loop.
          The RH do the same.

     E. R1 and R2 lift the
          L wrist´s string  over LH.
          Release R1 and R2.

     F. Straighten quickly 2.


          The figure undo to the right.
          Like a snake.



R.H. COMPTON Honor Maude

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