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Les Jeux de Ficelle Enchantés





         This figure begins like

     A. 1 and 2 hold a segment
          of the loop.
          A small segment must to
          pass between the hands.
          Pass the right half of the
          segment, in front of the
          left half, to form a small
          hanging loop ....
          Introduce 2, toward you,
          in the small hanging loop .

          Straighten 2
          Release 1.
          Extend, to absorb the big
          hanging loop.

          You have now two loops
          on 2.
          The near strings are
          parallel and the far
          strings are crossing.

          This movement is known
          as "Murray opening".

     B. R1 over lower R2n,
          picks up lower R2f.

          L1 over lower L2n and f,
          picks up upper L2f.

    C. R5 over upper R2n and f,
         picks up lower R2n.

    D. L5 over upper L2n and
         lower L2f,
         picks up lower L2n
         (transverse string).

      You have a loop  on 1,
          two on 2 and one on 5.

     E. 2 enters in the triangles
          near of 5, and, toward
          you , picks up the string
          that it is the continuation
          of the upper string 2n .
          Release 1.


     F. 1, away from you, enters
          in 5 and pick up the
          oblique string.

        Arrange if need.


Canoe série Kathleen Haddon

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